
Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a woman of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long long year
stole many a man’s sole and faith….

Just could not not help myself.

This is my effort to resurrect an old blog of mine of which I did start many a long long year ago, but the site upon which I originally began it started to turn into a ghost town and all those I had met over there began to fade away into the ether, so I abandoned the blog and could not find a satisfactory new home. Tried revamping it a few times was never fully satisfied. But after having a few other blogs here on wordpress I am starting to like it quite a bit, so I thought I would try again to bring this one down from the attic. I was always rather found of it.

What can you expect to find here?

Everything and anything. It is simply a place for my rants, vents, random thoughts,  whatever pops into my head which I feel the need to voice out.

I don’t know how frequently it will be updated as well it will depend purely upon my whim of when I am compelled to write about something.

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