If I Had A Heart

I first happened upon this song from the TV series Vikings, where it is used for the opening credits. I wondered if the song was created originally for the show, because it does fit in with the show well, I used my app Soundhound to get more information about the song and found it is called “If I Had A Heart” by Fever Ray.

First of all I have to say that it is a beautiful song with such a haunting melody. It is one of those songs which seems to reach right down into the very soul and has a profound affect upon me. There is something so primitive about song, and so enchanting, and I think part of it is the fact that the lyrics can transcend through time so well. It is the perfect song for Vikings, but it is also still so relevant.

When I looked up the song, I found this amazing video to accompany it

I do not know if this video is the official music video for this song, but the video is wonderful. The imagery is so symbolic, and I love the way in which it blends in very primal images, themes, and symbols with more modern settings, for reasons mentions above, I think this does capture the way in which the meaning of the song travels from the very beginning of man to the world we live in today.

The song revolves around the question of greed with the chorus

“I want more, give me more, give me more”

But the song never really specifies more of what, which I think does offer it a certain degree of openness.

More of what? More of everything? More of the world?

I like the way in which this song has this pervasive message but at the same time it does allow for a certain among of personal interpretation as well.

It is so simple, and also so deep and filled with such sadness, for you can feel even in their constant craving for more, how empty it leaves them.



Seven Chakra Kiss

The passage of time
beats like a drum
down my spine,
while the earth’s vibrations
tremor through my nerve endings
and your lips give me the seven
Chakra kiss.

You begin at the Crown,
the center of enlightenment,
where you may taste
of secret knowledge,
and revel in mysteries,
while awakening my spirit,
drawing the life-force up
through my core, unwinding
within me like the serpent
of temptation.

Next you wind your way
farther down to the Third-Eye
which sees all things unseen,
and lingering here I gaze
into the depths of your soul
and you feel the moment
where our souls coalesce.

After hovering within the
eternal spheres your lips
lay claim to the Throat
and pleasure stirs, but for now
there can be no words, and silently,
through subtle gestures, a touch of fingers,
a gleaming look within the eye
we communicate in a harmony
of understanding.

Soon you find your way to the
Heart and passion trebles,
while tenderness is sought,
and you can feel it beating
in time with the syllables
of your name, you consume
these cryptic letters of love,
for only you can read their meanings.

The Solar Plexus follows,
the center of the essence of
my life force, now burning
in devotion while you give worship
to the body and the soul,
you transform me into your Goddess,
and I look upon you as the God.

Then you journey into the Sacral,
the sacred sex, here we become
most rooted into the physical plane,
where it is our bodies which conjoin,
and for a moment all else is forgotten,
we become lost in the awareness
of limbs, and flesh, lust and love,
duality becomes unity.

And last you saver the Root,
inhale the earthy aroma,
this is the place which brings you home,
where we find shelter together,
passion slowly but sweetly ebbs
while the purity of love still pulses,
there is nothing but us in togetherness,
and here I hold you.

Outdoor vs Indoor

It is much the popular opinion these days that cats should be kept indoors and there are some understandable reasons for this view point and the desire to keep cats inside, and I have no real problem with having indoor cats, but what bothers me is as with anything there is always that fraction of people who become really over zealous, and do have this attitude that people who have outdoor cats are terrible people that don’t really care about their cats and are condemning their pets to some tragic outcome.

I do not think people who have indoor cats are bad people, I am not saying they are wrong or attacking them, but this is my response to those particular individuals who do think that no one should ever have outdoor cats.

Understandably people get very attached to their pets, I am no exception but there is an inclination in many people to start to view/treat their animals as if their pets where people, they see their animals as human and treat them as if they where human children, or in some more disturbing cases their is a trend in people treading animals as accessories, dolls, decorations, toys. They dress them up in clothes, cart them around in baby carriages, or carry them in small purses.

I know most of these people do this out of their love for their pets, but while I myself love my animals, and call them my children, and see them as part of my family, I also always respect the fact that they are animals, and I understand as animals they have different types of needs and require different sorts of stimulation than people, and I treat them as animals not as human beings.

Cats want to be outside, they are happy outside, outside is their natural environment. Yes I know that in today’s modern world the “natural” environment is not as natural as it once was, and pets outside will have clashes with other people civilization but then that is true for we humans as well.

Most people do not keep their children locked indoors 24/7 they allow their kids to go outside to play even though children are exposed to many of the exact same dangers that we are afraid of exposing are cats to. Unfortunately the reality is children are sometimes hit by cars, kidnapped, catch illnesses from interactions with other kids, physically injure themselves playing.

But we expose are kids to these risks because keeping them inside all the time would not be in their best interests, it would not in fact be good for their emotional, mental or physical health.

And the exact same could be said of ourselves as well, whenever we go outdoors we expose ourselves to all sorts of possible dangers, and there is no controlling what might possibly happen to us, and sometimes tragic things do happen, but we don’t stay inside all the time to protect ourselves from these things because for one thing we would go stir crazy and for another there are things outside we need, things we want, things we enjoy.

So then why do we think it is ok to expose our children and ourselves to these risks for the benefits of being outside, but think that our cats should be completely sheltered from these possible dangers and denied the outdoor stimulation that they themselves require for their own psychological well being?

I have had cats all my life, and I have been around many various different cats, known lots of different people who have had cats, and in my experience many indoor cats develop various different narcotic disorders, this is because they do not have all the natural stimulation they need, and because they cannot go outside, and do cat things, they have pent up energy and they don’t have the natural means in which to get this energy out which often leads them to lashing out at their owners.

My cats have always been more well mannered, even tempered, and calming than any indoor cats I have ever met.

There is this TV show called “My Cat From Hell” and it is about cats that have extreme bad and seemingly unmanageable behaviors, and all the cats I have seen on this show have been indoor cats, and the reason why so many of them are so hyper aggressive is because being indoors denies them being able to fully and properly behave as cats which confuses them, and leaves them psychological imbalanced and they don’t know what to do, and the owners do not understand cat behavior enough to be able to properly counterbalance the lack of natural stimuli.

Yes it is true keeping cats outdoors can expose the cats to certain risks that indoor cats are not exposed to, and I can understand people wanting to protect their cats, but risk is just a part of being alive, and living life, and those who make the choice to have outdoor cats are not automatically condemning their cats to an early and/or unnatural death.

It doesn’t make them bad owners or mean they don’t care about their cats.