
An Etheree is a poem with a syllable count of 12345678910

and a double Etheree is just repeating the process.

I thought it would be cool to show death and life as being like mirror reflections of each other.


is a
sweet remorse
he watches with
deep, dark soulful eyes
which see future and past
awaking strange beauty
I feel it quaken in my heart
his shrouded presence becomes comfort
and I would slumber within his embrace.
a soul caught in a glimmer of sunlight.
I feel the quiver of every cell
upon my knees I cry out for it
a lover’s breath on your skin
like dancing in the rain
beautiful moments
and yet there are
a regret

The Nature of Truth

Truth is overrated,
amid the debris
of stale cigarettes
and bad coffee
looking into your glacial eyes,
I ask, what good has it ever done

There is silence,
broken by cracked laughter,
yours or mine?

I have been broken over
the coals for truth,
it blackened my skin,
scorched my throat,
watered my eyes,
and you only smiled
your distant,
fear-reaching smile,
that eludes your eyes.

I want to be covered
in lies, like butterfly kisses,
like the breath of a moth,
just to hear you say something
that is beautiful.

Truth is an empty vase,
it gives only unfulfilled promise,
but lies, they can be ecstasy,
I wish I could bottle them up,
eject them into my skin.

If only there could be
no questions between us,
but in the smallest twitch
of your brow there is inquest,
and everything you say
falls heavy as stones.

We are too diverted,
I want only light and airy things,
diaphanous silk,
and what does it matter to me
if it is all imitation,
as long as it lets me live a moment
in jubilation.

But you are sever,
you demand confessional,
you force me
to be your confessor,
you need to unburden your heart
of your sins.

That is what I resent the most,
you forcing me to see the ugliness
which you insist upon calling virtue,
and it is only for yourself
that you act so.

All I ever wanted
was to live
to indulge myself
in sentimentality.

Know Your Founding Fathers Before You Speak For Them

The Constitution of the United States of America seems to be as misquoted, misused, and misinterpreted for the sake of pushing and supporting various different personal agendas as the Bible is. Politicians are always trying to presume they know what the Founding Fathers would say or think about various different polices which said politicians happen to be against. And it well more often than not the Founding Fathers are grossly misrepresented. Now I am not going to pretend to know what their opinions would be of our modern age but I will clarify some of the ways in which some issues relating to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers have been taken way out of context of their original intently and grossly missuses.

The first item up is the First Amendment. Freedom of Speech and Expression. People really don’t seem to understand what this one means. They seem to think that Freedom of Speech means that you can say anything, anywhere, anytime without enduring any sort of backlash or any repercussion for what you say. But we all know the saying you cannot yell Fire! in a crowded movie theater.

Whenever some Celebrity, TV Personality, or otherwise public figure makes racist or anti-gay remarks, and is than either fired from there job, and/or protested and boycotted by the public the Republicans love to cry fowl, and start waving the 1st amendment around claiming that said individual is having their Freedom of Speech violated.

That is so misconstrued and incorrect I don’t even know where to begin with it.

Freedom of Speech means that an individual can speak their mind, share their opinions, criticize their government, protest, without being persecuted by the law.

But if an individual has a contract with a Network, Cooperation, Franchise, etc.. and then they go on TV and make remarks that could possibly reflect badly upon the institution in which they work for and represent, that institution has the right to fire said individual, or choose not to renew their contract, and it is not a violation of Freedom of Speech to do so.

A violation of Freedom of Speech would be if the cops showed up at your door and than hauled you off to jail for what you said.

Businesses have the right to have policies on how they want their employes to present themselves and conduct themselves. They can enforce dress codes, and say they don’t want you to have any visible tattoos, and they can have codes of conduct in which you have to behave in a way that cannot reflect negatively upon the business of which you are working for.

And while we may not always agree with these policies they do not violate our constitutional rights. People sign the contracts of their own free will knowing the expectations and as such agree to conduct themselves in a certain way. And if they than decide to make questionable comments it is a violation of the contract they signed.

If someone is at work and makes a racist joke to a colleague and the boss overhears it, and he fires that person, that isn’t an infringement upon Freedom of Speech.

If a couple of guys are hanging out in a park and one of them makes a racist joke, and a police officer overhears it and than proceeded to arrest the individual that would be a violation of Freedom of Speech.

In addition if an entertainer makes remarks of which the public dislikes and thus decided to boycott that entertainer, and protest their music, or their movies or whatever it is they do, that is not attacking the entertainers Freedom of Speech, but it is the public exorcising their own Freedom of Expression if they disagree with what you say.

Freedom of Speech does not ensure or protect you from possible social ramification for the things you say, it is meant to protect you from being persecuted by the government for what you say.

The next big can of worms if the 2nd Amemdneme Right to Bear Arms.

A couple of important things about this one, is to remember the context of the period of time in which this amendment was created. For one thing when the Founding Fathers crafted this amendment, they where not toting AK 47’s, they didn’t have automatic weapons and armor piercing bullets or sniper rifles. They had muskets and granted they also did have cannons, but you aren’t going to pull one of those out of your purse, or be totting it around while you stake a stroll through town. I am not going to presume to know just what the Founding Fathers would think of our advanced ways of killing people, and the sorts of weapons people no possess, and if that would have changed their thoughts and opinions regarding the Amendment.

The second thing to remember when this Amendment was created was there was no Standing Army such as we have today, and it was the duty, of each single individual citizen to defend their country against possible outside threat. The 2nd Amendment was originally crafted to give the people the right, and ability to form their own militias in order to defend the country and the government.

And while it does protect individual rights to own guns and the individuals right to self-defense, at the same time the intention of it wasn’t just woohoo guns for everyone just for the sake of having guns. In addition people are using the 2nd Amendment as a sort of free for all and believing that in inherently grants every individual the right to own high-powered military grade weapons (such of which didn’t exist in the time of the Founding Fathers).

Today people use the 2nd Amendment to try and establish a sort of anarchy regarding gun ownership.

And just for the record I am not someone who has any sort of anti-gun agenda or has any radical, or strong opinions regarding gunship. But I do think that things have gotten out of hand.  Considering how much the world has changed sense the Founding Fathers, I do think we need to thin outside the Constitution a little bit and use some basic common sense. I don’t think people should be denied their rights to own guns, but I do think that hey, maybe some type of guns every day people don’t really need to have.

People just see the words that they want, and completely lose sight of the context and intention in which it was originally crafted.

The last big issue I am going to tackle is Religion.

Republicans love to talk about how the Founding Fathers where God fearing Christians and that this country was founded upon Christianity.

I cannot verify this because I cannot track down where I first heard it, or who was the one to actually say it, but I know I heard once that the Founding Fathers believed that religion would eventually die out.  In addition many of the Founding Fathers where not traditionally Christian. Many of the Founding fathers where actually Deists.

Deism is a belief system which emerged first in the 17th century and become strongly influential in the 18th century, during the time when there was a lot of scientific discovery. Deism seeks to bring science and religion together. Deism follows along the lines of the Clockmaker theory, which is the belief that there was a creator who made the world, but after winding it up, it just lets it run its own course, according to the laws of nature and that the Creator does not intervene in the world. So basically the world was created, made self-sustaining, and after that the Creator washed his hands of the whole thing and went into retirement to allow the world to do what it will upon its own.

I will briefly discuss some of the religious views of the most well known Founding Fathers.

George Washington – The specific nature of his religious belief is hard to pinpoint. He has been called a Deist, as well as a Christian. It is clear that he did believe in some form of a Creator God, but it is not conclusive that he was in fact a follower of the Bible. Washington most commonly named God “Providence” and he very rarely spoke of or mentioned the name of Jesus Christ. He was also known to be tolerant of different religious beliefs.

John Adams – Adams rejected most foundational religious doctrines including the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus. In his youth he became a Unitarian.  While John Adams did believe that religion served a role in public life, believed it helped to unite people together in a moral society, he objected to the idea of Religion playing a role in politics. He believed that politics and law should be governed only by reason and common sense.

Thomas Jefferson – Like Washington his beliefs are difficult to pin down, and he was quite private about his beliefs. But it is generally thought that Jefferson was influenced by Deism. He believed in rational, benevolent God, and like Adams he rejected the Divinity of Jesus, and he rejects the miracles  of Jesus, as well as the resuscitation and atonement.

Benjamin Franklin – Like Adams and Jefferson, Franklin believed in the idea of Creator God and supported the moral teachings of Jesus but rejected the idea of his divinity. He was influenced by Deism. He put less emphasis upon Christian doctrine and focuses more upon ideas relating to virtue and morality. Franklin did not really care about the specifics of what anyone believed or how they chose to worship and disliked Religious debates regarding Doctrine. His only concern was that a persons beliefs contributed to making them better people. He even stated that he did not think everyone needed religion to be moral and virtuous, but did believe that the majority of the people needed some kind of religious guideline.

Thomas Paine – Paine was  Deist. Here are some of his quotes about his beliefs from The Age of Reason:

I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit

I will states that many of the Founding Fathers where more traditionally Christian, but there is a variety of differing belief between them all, and while it is true that in their own way they all did believe in God, they where hardly the Bible thumpers we see in politics today, and no matter what their religious beliefs, all the Founding Fathers were supporters of religious freedom, and the separation of church and state.

They did not want to create a Christian nature, and they did not seek out to have religion by the basis of law and government. Regardless of their beliefs they strongly supported rational thinking and logic.

The Best Restaurant Ever!

I am notorious for my dislike of children, as some of you may already be aware from some of my previous posts. It has been a long standing joke of mine that children should not be allowed in public. If you make the choice to have kids then you should have to suffer alone and don’t impose your obnoxious kids on other people. Have the curtsey not to take your children to places where I might happen to be. One of the most annoying things is when I am out eating in a restaurant and there is some kid screaming like a banshee two tables away from me. It is the most grating noise that does make me very nearly homicidal.

I just happened to catch this blurb on the news about this restaurant that doesn’t allow children. Or particularly noisy and unruly children. They have a sign in front of the restaurant saying No Strollers, No High Chairs, No Booster Seats, and that loud and unruly children are not allowed within the dining area.

Now to me this sounds like the most awesome idea ever. Finally someone else sees sense. I have always supported the idea of a restaurant that banned children. I am totally in and ready to go there and eat.

Phantom Beauty

This is a Paradella which is a bit like a puzzle with words. It is quite a time consuming and involved form to write, but the challenge of trying to put it together is part of the fun. Though while actually working on, it doesn’t feel very fun, it just makes you wonder what madness possessed you to actually attempt such a thing. But it is fun to get to play with words/language, and atmosphere and only semi-attempt to make any sort of sense.

Phantom Beauty

Breathless she lingers as white smoke
breathless she lingers as white smoke
more than a memory less than a ghost
more than a memory less than a ghost
a white ghost lingers more than smoke
as she is less than a breathless memory.

Oceans carry the siren’s song countless miles
oceans carry the siren’s song countless miles
no one knows she sings in grief for a heart lost
no one knows she sings in grief for a heart lost
four countless miles the ocean sings a grief no one knows
she carries a lost heart in siren’s song.

In the shadow of beauty Death always lurks
in the shadow of beauty Death always lurks
a phantom passionately loves the soul burning bright
a phantom passionately loves the soul burning bright
Death’s love always burns passionately bright
a phantom’s soul lurks in the beauty of shadows.

She is breathless as white smoke lingering in a lost memory,
more than a shadow no less than a ghost the phantom knows countless miles of grief,
siren’s sing passionately for the one beauty in Death,
love lurks in ocean’s heart for she always carries the bright burning soul.

Well I Must Be Doing Something Right

I have been compared to Satan and Adolf Hitler all in the same day, wow, now I know I must really be doing something right to warrant such a response, but what pray tell, unimaginable, horrible atrocity act did I commit to earn such high praise (yes that is sarcasm).

Brace yourselves now


I wrote a poem.

Yes, that is correct, I wrote a piece of poetry, which like much of my work does delve into the darker side of the psyche and human emotion. It is a bit of a dark erotic piece, and also one which is very personal to me, every phrase has specific personal meaning to me. I can understand why some parts of it, particularly for someone who doesn’t understand the symbolism and perhaps doesn’t perceive the darkness the way I do, might find aspects of the poem to be unsettling, but I didn’t think it made me an evil overload.

Hmm but maybe I should use the poem as my resume for the Super Evil Villain Academy.

Now that you are all must be quite intrigued, I will share with you this most infamous piece, but I cannot be held responsible if in the act of reading it your very souls are claimed by the dark side.

Dream Lover

Your hands reach out
from the darkness
of my dreams,
with frightful delicacy
your fingers circle around my throat,
only a feather touch
exhilarating for the faintest
suggestions of danger,
trailing down along my naked flesh.

I am left transfixed,
caught between worlds,
your phantom presence
claims my soul, and you have me
within the balance, all I want to do
is fall away into your darkness,
the stir of your breath,
a night wind at the end of a sultry day
chills me to the bone,
but your lips, a ghost kiss,
a crucible of fire
churns within my core.

I feel at once suffocated
and boundless,
and your name scorches its way
up through my throat,
like a spell, an ancient incantation,
your wispy, vaporous touch is a torment
as Morpheus I wish you could pull
me right into your dreamworld.

I would sacrifice my first blood
in the ancient rites
if it would manifest you in the flesh
you are both my dark god
and my demon of the light,
but it is the man of blood, and bone, and skin
I long to dissolve into.

To feel your solid, hard, yet
yielding flesh against mine,
let me be your High Priestess,
the oracle of your fate,
the weaver who spins the web of your life,
I can hold you here in this world
bind your body to mine,
and I will drink the drops
of your pomegranate wine
so forever more my soul
will become your own.

Ok, now that you have read it, if your head hasn’t exploded and if some dark portal hasn’t opened up and sucked you into the unknown abyss, I will explain just what occurred.

This is an older poem of mine of which I had posted upon one of the poetry forum boards I happen to belong to. And someone happened to comment upon the poem today in which they said they found the poem to be disturbing, and than sent me links to these weird religious sites about Inccubi and Succubi which they said the poem reminded them of.

Of course the crazy religious links where a big red flag of what I was dealing with.

At first I responded with that the poem was written intentionally to explore the darker side, and while I could understand how it might seem disturbing it all had very personal meaning to me.

They then told me that the poem looked like something that belonged on the wall of a Satanical Cult (which maybe it does) and then quoted something that appeared to be some sort of Bible verse or some such thing at me. And tried to warn me against the darkness.

So I said half-jokingly and just to mess with him a bit at this point (though nonetheless with truth behind my words) that I enjoyed being disturbing and I embrace the darkness within me because I see the beauty of it.

And that is when he brought up Adolf Hitler.

Yes, the fact that I am a macabre and write sometimes unsettling poetry which explores the darkness that exists within all of us makes me exactly like Hitler.

I contemplated attempting to give a serious response to this but than I figured 1. It would be a waist of breath, or rather I should say a waste of energy in typing and 2. It would not nearly be as fun.

So instead I choose to be snarky of course. And thus replied that writing is what keeps me from killing people (which maybe that is a little bit true after all).






There is an epidemic afflicting large numbers of starfish which causes them to disintegrate. It is not yet known the cause of this. It is quite tragic, but it also made me think of falling stars, and my mind began to draw comparisons between the death of a starfish and a falling star.


unseen in agonizing silence
with no one
to memorialize them,
starfish begin to disintegrate,
dissolving into star dust
which we may unknowingly
breathe in through the
pores of our skin.

Nature reflects nature,
while dead stars
fall blazingly from the sky
in depths perhaps darker
more clandestine than the
entire span of universe
Astoridea break apart
like fireworks as they
begin to evaporate into the air.

When celestial bodies
recklessly plunge to the Earth
the whole world gapes in awe
as if witnessing miracles
but as sea stars
perhaps less gracefully,
more subtly yet possibly
with farther reaching consequence,
deeper significance,
are ripped apart as if by
some internal centrifugal force
there is no one left
to recollect the incident,
no applause or tears,
no wishes made upon
their depleting bodies.

Even as they die
they strive to crawl away
from their decaying bodies,
one last grasp at life,
maybe a plea for immortality.