My New Baby

You can breathe easy and know that I have not completely lost my mind and reproduced a human child (Shudder) but I do now have this little darling:



I have named this little guy Freya after the Norse goddess of love and fertility. I think that a fertility goddess makes quite a fitting namesake for a rabbit and rabbits are often themselves seen as fertility symbols.

As it so happens my neighborhood is overrun with feral domestic rabbits. I have no idea where the first pair first came from, but now there is a colony of rabbits which can be seen up and down the street. Frequently in the mornings and the evenings, when it is cooler out there will be a few here and there on the front lawn. I often make jokes about wanting to catch one, and there are a few that would let me get quite close, but realistically catching a rabbit is a near impossible task, at least to try and do so by hand.

I could set a trap but that would take all the fun out of the whole game, and I like to try and hone my animal stocking skills.

Then the other day I noticed my cat on the front lawn and he was in predatory mode, I could tell something had his attention, and I happened to see this little ball of fluff sitting in the middle of the lawn, and I thought to myself “Is that a baby rabbit?” At first I was worried that my cat might try and pounce on it. He doesn’t usually bother the rabbits, but just likes to hang out with them, and follow them around. I think he sees them he is baffled by these “strange looking cats” which is how I like to think cats think of rabbits.

But since this one was so much smaller than the others, I thought he might think of this one was being prey. But as I watched it was quite funny because it was almost like the cat was guarding the bunny. He would follow it and than just lie down on the grass next to it and watch it.

Needless to say I could not resist the temptation and low and behold I actually managed to catch the little guy.

This morning when I went out to check on him and feet him my cat was paying a visit to his former little playmate.



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