Bard Song

I can never forget the sound
of your music,
I just have to close my eyes
and it overwhelms me,
each vibration
seeps into my pores
quivering along the lines
of my essence.

Like a sirens song
it enchants my heart
culling me into a hypnotic state,
and I feel certain
I would follow you

As long as I have your song,
I am never desolate
or alone, it warms me
through a winter’s night.

You sing into my soul,
your voice a whisper within my ear,
I feel you beside me
guiding my path.

Summer Nights

In sweat damped sheets
with summer heat lingering
into the night I want to drink
the coolness of your eyes
which seem to roll over me
like an ocean tide.

Your tongue, a soothing balm
rakes over my skin, cooling the heat
which radiates from my flesh,
as you taste every inch of me.

The press of your lips against
my thigh, I draw my breath in a gasp,
I can feel your smile imprinted
upon my skin, and in a flicker
your eyes meet mine, overwhelmed
with a thirst for more than water.

Scintillating thrills ripple through
my body where the sultry air
becomes a warm breath against
the wetness traced by the trail
of your intimate kisses.

Slowly my legs part revealing
the sacred gateway which opens
to our own private Eden of earthly delights,
my fingers curl into your hair.

Your hands take claim of me,
grasped upon my hips, slipping
down around cupping hold of the roundness
of my ass, pulling me closer into you.

The feel of your breath,
like a welcomed wind stirs
between my legs, I shudder uncontrollably
while every twist of your tongue
takes me farther from this summer heat,
and more deeply lost within you.

The Crows Come Home

The crows have come home to roost
so I open the doors of my mind
and let them build their nests
from fragments of discarded memory
while they feast upon festering thoughts.

I listen to them sing their dirges
of forgotten and forsaken things,
they leave behind their messages
in an abandoned array of feathers and eggshells,
and devour their dead picking clean
the bones, which are offered
in sacrifice to the shadows of the moon.

I allow this murderous council to converge
with their jokers laughter, errantly they play
the part of the fool while bartering in secrets
there is comfort in their cavorting,
and the graveyard tokens which they leave behind.

Clockwork Love

I need you now
here by my side
before I utterly lose myself,
I am slipping away
watching my mind
slide right out of my grasp,
I need you to hold me

Your craftsman’s hands,
rough, rugged,
well used, with the smell
of the earth, and girt
beneath fingernails,
they mend things,
complicated, fragile

I am always on the edge
of breaking, my gears
eroding, I have been careless
in the past but you can fix
all my cogs and wheels,
you keep the keys
which wind my heart
back up.

Now, I feel something
beginning to spin off
the hinges, and the tears
I refuse to cry start to rust
everything inside.

I need you now,
to put me back together,
and keep me going
before it all becomes undone.

I Have No Answers

Something has broken inside,
and at times it becomes difficult
to navigate around all the jagged edges,
sharp points, these fragments
of pieces of myself.

In silence I bleed
trying to hide the bloody footprints
so not to leave behind any evidence
which could trace back to you.

I don’t want you to slip upon
the weight of my guilt
which belongs to only me
because you were not the one
who wrapped me in razor wire.

I allowed things to escape my control,
and didn’t know the things
which should have been said
until it was already too late,
so now all I can do is let myself break.

It was a blow, never intended
which sunk down harder than
could have been predicted
leaving me gasping for air,
and counting teeth in the puddles
of blood.

I am the one who unraveled the stitches,
pulling them out one by one,
perhaps I wanted the attention
which in the end I was too hesitant
and fearful to ask for.

Maybe it is my shame
to make a Martyr of myself
alone within the darkness
simply hoping you will find me
while wanting to swallow it all down
and keep it somewhere
it will never touch us.

Witch Hand

This was actually inspired by a tree. I happened to see this tree, it was a short stocky tree that was dormant for the winter, so it had no leaves left. It had these fat short branches, and jutting out from those straight up in the air where these long spindly branches that made me think of really long fingers or nails.


Witch Hand by SilverWynd

Words and Deeds

You surprise me at moments
when I most need it and least expect it,
though at times you hesitate
upon the words, I can feel them
lingering in the back of your throat,
adhered to the roof of your mouth,
it is enough to know that it is there
within your blood cells.

You prove yourself in far more
tangible and substantial ways,
you know all my little subtleties,
and appear unasked but overwhelmed
in understanding, you know what is there
in the spaces between.

I lack your effortless ability
to simply be, to know the rhythms
of a soul, but you know the sincerity
of my clumsy attempts, it is my everything
and I am always yours.

Will You Be There?

Can you read my scars
like Morse code
all dots and dashes
down my arm,
revealing more
than just imprints of pain?

There are sharks
within the water,
I wonder
will they flay my flesh
before I can drown?
Or will you be able
to pull me back to the
surface, still
relatively intact?

Can you teach me
how to breathe

Though it shames
me to confess the truth
sometimes I grow
weary of always saving myself.

I want to know
that I can let go and fall
without hitting bottom
because you will
be there waiting
every time without
having to be asked.

Love Conquers

Your blood
metallic drops upon my tongue,
my teeth imprinted upon your lip,
hot your breath scorches
its way down my throat.

We devour each other
in haste and desperation,
attempting to conceal
our scars we shall
create our own,
marks of love
which bury the pain.

I rake my fingers
across your flesh
rewriting our distorted
histories, erasing the past,
we will fill in the blanks
with our own memoirs.

Purging ourselves
as we lay siege
to each other,
throwing our bodies
against the walls
which have been built upon
blood and bone.

We will conquer each other,
amid the debris, scattered remains
of what had been, we begin
to forge new foundations.

Grilled Apple and Cheese Sandwich

I am partial to lunch, I know that breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day but I am not a big morning eater, but I do usually like to have lunch. For me lunch should be something relatively easy to make or prepare which requires minimal or no cooking and not much clean up so lunch usually sends up being a sandwich or leftovers, or every now and than I will think of something else to make, sometimes I will put together a salad, or make quesadillas and such of the like.

Sometimes I want something a little different than my usual lunch while still wanting to put minimal effort into having to make it, and not wanting anything that will require me to spend money on buying anything. I do often come up with various different sorts of sandwiches to try.

Today I was having one of those days in which I could not quite get motivated about anything that was readily available to eat, but I was hungry, when I happened to come across a recipe for apple and cheese Pennies. That is one of those things which sound intriguing, and also somewhat frightening, because it is so out there that it seems like it could be a complete disaster. But I do like to have apple slices with crackers and cheese.

And since I have been doing Yoga it does motivate me to want to eat healthier. Not to say I won’t still indulge. But Yoga is such a great experience, and it really does make you so much more consciously aware of your body, and it makes you feel so good after doing it that it does make you want to make all around more healthier lifestyle choices. Since doing Yoga I have been thinking twice about eating more junk food like snacks, and for mid-day snacking and lunch I have been thinking up of healthier options than what I might usually eat.

So I was intrigued by the health benefits of the apple and cheese sandwich, and I have in fact been eating apples on a more regular daily basis than I have previously done.

Lacking a Pennie press I decided to just do an old-fashioned grilled cheese version of the sandwich. I cut up some apple slices and used a slice of Munster cheese, I thought something like an apple and cheese grilled sandwich required a more exotic cheese than cheddar or jack.

I had no idea how this was going to turn out, but the grilled apples reminded me a lot of apples in apple pie without the cinnamon, but cooking them seemed to really bring out their natural sweetness and it did make a nice contrast with the flavor of the cheese, particularly a milder cheese. It also had a nice texture, as the apples still maintained some of their crunch. I was a bit worried that they would become too soft. I like crispy crunchy apples, it is one of the reasons I don’t normally eat apples very much I am picky about them, and it is hard sometimes to find good apples, a lot of them are too soft for me. But I came across this brand I really like, cannot recall what they are called off the top of my head, and even after being grilled they still had a nice crispness to them which I enjoyed.