Hunt like Artemis

I want to slay your demons in the darkness,
I want to hunt like Artemis, with arrows that never miss,
turn your monsters into trees, just like the beautiful Daphne
we will go running through the forest, hand in hand
as children just looking for a fresh start.

I want to slay your demons in the darkness,
I want to hunt like Artemis, with arrows that never miss,
your nightmares will run like fleeting stags,
wear their antlers on my head
we can ride upon their bare backs without fear,
because as long as you and I are near,
nothing will touch us again.

I want to slay your demons in the darkness,
I want to hunt like Artemis, with arrows that never miss,
use the moonlight to dispel every doubt that thought it could grow,
put an arrow in the heart of everything that thought
it could take you away from me,
we will go running through the forest
because we know the night will be ours again,
everything that thought it could harm us
will discover that love is a weapon.

Hell & Happiness

I thread the strands of hair around my neck
and wait
until my breath becomes still,
close my eyes and drift off into sleep,
for the moments
when it feels impossible to wake,
the tendrils of sleep reaching out
to drag me back down and hold me here
within the dark oblivion,
it becomes so easy to give in
and simply fall away from the world,
to drown in the lucidness of sleep,
floating amid nothingness.

I know I regret all the wrong things,
and I feel your fingers
upon the self-inflicted bruise,
your touch
awakens something within me,
I am summoned from my limbo,
my eyes begin to open like
moth wings.

I live divided with myself,
I want to be Lady Lazarus,
alive and dead,
I want a beautiful love
tempered with self-destruction,
I cannot find the means to choose between
happiness and hell.

The Cryptids Are Going Suburban

Who would have thought that a suburban neighborhood would become a hot bed of cryptid activity? It is true that I live in the foothills near the base of a mountain and it is not uncommon for wildlife to sometimes come down in search of food, water and such of the like, but said wildlife does not usually take the form of Urban Legends.

But then you know what they say about hiding in plain sight, perhaps our local folkloric legends are going tired of the increasing popularity of people wandering about in the middle of the wilderness trying to find them, so they figure they will just try and hide right under our noses.

A while back ago when I was out walking I just so happened to stumble upon what was clearly [insert sarcasm] the footprints of a Bigfoot.

I even have pictures to prove it

The image on the left is the original, and the image on the right I did a color edit just to further enhance the shape of the footprint.

(And for the record, for those who do not pick up on the humorous tone of this post, no I do not actually believe that is Bigfoot. More than likely it is overlapping horseshoe prints, with a dog print)

Today I was out on my walk when lo and behold,  I have an encounter with………wait for it……….Chupacabra!

Yes, I saw a chupacabra today.

Ok, not probably not really (but hey maybe).

I was out walking along when I happened to spot a creature which appeared to be of the canine variety but was not easily, or readily identifiable. I could not quite pin done exactly what it was because of its rather unnatural and strange appearance. As stated it appeared to be something in the canid family. It was all gray and seemingly hairless (possibly suffering from mange) it was about mid-height, and very lean of build. And the thing which struck me as most unusual and curious was that it had very large, and rounded ears. If you have ever seen an African Wilddog that is what immediately came into my mind. It also just so happened to have three legs.

And there was something about is demeanor which really did strike me as being more wild, than the typical behavior and attitude of a domesticated animal, even one that has gone feral. It is not something that can be easily explained, but in my experience when encountering domesticated animals be they ferals or strays, though they might want to keep their distance and they might be afraid of you, or run away from you, or not be friendly, you still get the sense that they have a familiarity and are accustomed to humans and the presence of people. But wild animals on the other hand most often have an attitude of wary indifference towards people. It was clear the animal wanted nothing more than to keep its distance and get away from people. And its gait reminded me of the way coyotes lope, though it clearly was not a coyote, unless possibly it was a coyote with mange.

But if you where to do a Google search of Chupacabra sightings the images that will pop up strongly resemble whatever it is that I saw.



I Love You Darkly

I love you darkly,
my heart is an eclipse
which sheds no light,
it is in shadows,
and moonless nights
that love is clung to most,
though it may become
as the chocking vine
in desperation.

I love you darkly,
haunted by your touch,
you are the phantom
of my dreams,
every memory a ghost
which calls out to me
in the night.

I love you darkly,
my heart sings the song
of a lone wolf’s howl
when you are gone,
and I will find you like a hunter
within the fog.

I love you darkly,
for I never learned
how to love any other way,
wearing your name in scars
upon my arm,
for you I offer the sacred blood rite.

I love you darkly,
a black hole consuming all,
Dionaea muscipula
wanting only to devour
I have a Persephone heart
and Hades eyes,
your soul beckons through
echoing halls.

I love you darkly


When I first heard about the movie Snow Piercer I thought it sounded like the sort of thing that would be right up my alley. I am a great lover of dystopia and post-apocalyptic settings, but then I started hearing all these terrible reviews about it and how it was the worst movie ever, and how bad it was.

I wasn’t going to let that completely discourage me from watching it. So I got it on Netflix, and while there were a lot of things about it that where to say the least rather stupid, or just didn’t make any kind of sense, perhaps because my expectations had been so low it was not as awful as I had thought. It was an entertaining movie to watch on a night when there is nothing else on TV and there where somethings about it that where kind of interesting.

The premiss of the movie was that the world was becoming inhabitable because of global warming and as a last ditch effort to try and fix the problem some chemical was shot up into the atmosphere to lower the global temperature, but as a result ended up causing the entire earth to freeze.  But before all this happened there was this Walt Dinseyesque type of character (who even had a name which started with a W) Wilford  and he was this visionary who had this idea for creating this ultimate luxury train that could circle around the entire world. And the last remaining survivors of the earth are living on this train that is endlessly circling.

In a way this movie reminded me a bit of the Titanic, mostly because there was the “steerage” section on the train which was called the tail, all the poor people where crammed into the back of the train, and then there was the “upper deck” section with all the rich people living in the front of the train, and like in the Titanic there where this really stark polarization between the different classes. The movie was also a bit of Noah’s Ark, and somewhat reminded me of this mini-series Ascension on the Syfy channel, and there was one character that made me think of Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games.

Now the first thing that popped into my mind was what does the train run on? It most require some kind of fuel or energy source of some kind, so if there is nothing left within the world and all of humanity is contained upon this train, where does the train get its power source from?

Any kind of coal or gas would eventually run out and it cannot be electric because it would eventually need to recharge. I suppose it could be solar powered, even if the world is frozen over there is still a sun in the sky presumably, or maybe it runs on some kind of ethanol type thing and they make fuel from whatever leftovers they have from the food they eat.

The whole food question is another problem. While there is this one scene in which the people are walking through a garden where they do grow their own food, and while to a certain extent you could create some kind of sustainable system. There is also a scene where they walk through this train car that is a big ole fish tank where they get fish from, but that also raises a whole wealth of questions as to how they maintain the fish tank, and feed the fish, I won’t try to get into those complications.

But one of the big things is the people in the tail talk about how the people at the head of the train get steak to eat, while the people in the tail are just given these protein bars to eat. Even on a very large, super train set in some futuristic world I think it would be difficult to keep and maintain sufficient cattle for an indefinite period of time.

Then the whole water thing is an issue to. Apparently these giant blocks of ice sometimes form on the train tracks and the nose of the train is designed to break through this ice (hence the name of the film) without damaging or derailing the train. At some point it is than explained that somehow the ice that the train breaks up is what is used and filtered for the water supply in the train. How exactly to they harvest, or collect, this ice the is outside of the train to somehow get int inside the train? The train never stops moving and it is not like someone could just walk outside and scrap the ice off and bring it inside because it is so cold that as soon as you go outside you freeze instantly.

The other issue is that the tail is plotting this revolt to take over the front of the train and to do that they want to break this guy out of prison who was like head of security so he knows how to get through all the doors, and as it happens the prison on the train is basically just these morgue box looking things. They open up this drawer and pull open this slab and the guy is lying on it. First of all, a person wouldn’t be able to survive in that condition for long, certainly not without some significant health issues. He wouldn’t be able to just pop back up and start running around on this train after that. Second of all he has an addiction to this type of futuristic drug, how does he have accesses to drugs if he is locked in this tiny metal box? The movie was based on a graphic novel so there most be some background information here that explains this better.

One thing that was interesting about the movie was the fact that Wilford is seen as being this Divine/God like person because this train is the whole world to these people and he designed the train, he was the “creator” and he keeps it running, he controls the engine. And he also has power of life and death over the people on the train. He creates his idea of the necessary balance to insure the continued survival of everyone. And there is this other character, this old man who lives in the tail who can be seen as a sort of Satan like figure in the way in which in a sense he is both adversary and friend to Wilford, they do work together to help keep this sort of balance.


There are moments
when I wish I could forget
how to breathe,
to find the center of stillness
and silence
where the world no longer bleeds
the body has no existence,
I become the wind
in the trees,
the song of birds,
a dancing blade of grass,
the earth beneath me
and the beat of your heart,
you will know I am always here,
distance and time will melt away,
the pure essence
of ourselves will harmonize.
let me become the
music you play.

The Last Titan

You appeared to me
as a Titan,
your words dripped
from your lips
like new born gods,
I watched transfixed,
there was thunder
in your eyes,
lightening bolts
shot down my spine,
I begged myself to speak,
but my throat became
Pandora’s box,
my jaw hinged shut
for fear of what would
spill out,
I had no devoured gods
to offer
but earth shattering truth,
you read the Morse code
in the beat of my pulse
your smile was the envy
of Apollo because
it summoned the sun
it was terrifying and sublime
and I would give myself
as your moon
the beauty behind
your light.

The Hanged-Man

I am working on a series of myself posed as each of the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck. Thus far this is one of my favorite images from the series. I really like how it turned out so I thought I would share it here.

For those who are not very familiar with Tarot think of a deck of playing cards in which you have numbered cards and face cards. Tarot is set up in a very similar way. It is broken up into what is called Minor Arcana and Major Arcana. Minor Arcana are essentially the number cards and Major Arcana are like the face cards.

The Major Arcana are the most familiar and well known because of their usage in movies and TV shows and such of the like. Some of the most well known being The Fool, Death, the Devil, etc.. so you get the gist.

The Hanged Man by SilverWynd


Beware the Ides of March

My Celebration/Tribute of the assassination of Julius Caesar

The reason why it is a celebration and a tribute is because the Celt within my needless to say doesn’t view Caesar very fondly. But the historian in me acknowledges him as a fascinating figure of history and admires what he was able to accomplish even if not completely agreeing with the means.