Flame of Love

I hear your voice from afar,
yet your fingers seem to tremble across my skin,
I close my eyes to see your face,
and yearn to reach out and touch it,
feel your skin under my fingertips,
trace the edges of your lips,
but like a dream it all begins to fade.

I sway within your arms,
a branch blowing in the wind,
my neck arches with the stirring of your breath,
a warm summer breeze scorching my flesh,
and your kiss lingers like a scent
that remains as an intangible wisp.

We stand too far though our hearts beat close,
ethereally we tremor together
like two delicate moths caught within in the moonlight,
we are these lost ones who endure,
but can be so easily damaged,
we guide each other through the darkness,
for we are twin burning flames.

Gotta Love Hypocrisy

I was out and about doing errands when I just happened to notice that someone had one of those window decals on their car which used to be so popular several years back depicting Calving (From Calvin on Hobbs) pissing on something, most frequently the logo of this or that sports team. Needless to say I didn’t give much thought to this, other than thinking it was stupid, when I happened to notice that right below the decal on the back of the car was a big ol Jesus fish with the letters WWJD inside of it.

Now that was truly classic I thought, and than I had tried to see what these goodly Christians were pissing on but I never could make it out (Also got to love the sweet irony of Christians be a fan of a comic strip character who is known for conversing with his imaginary friend)

The first thing which came to my mind is that I feel quite confident that Jesus would NOT piss on a person, place or thing of which he disliked. In fact I am fairly certain that the very idea of Jesus not liking something rather contradicts his entire teachings at the very least showing spite and derision towards it does.

Secondly considering the way Christians vilify sex and nudity and seem to think that if a child where to perchance see a nude body which in of itself is quite a natural and innocuous thing will scar them for life and lead them into a life of sexual deviance, and seem to think that teaching sex ed in schools will create an uprising in teen pregnancy (because of course keeping girls in complete ignorance about sex and their own bodies, is the perfect way to ensure that they make smart intelligent and responsible choices about their sexual experiences) it is appealingly totally cool  endorse public urination, and they feel not the slightest bit of qualms about driving around exposing children to images of an underage boy pulling down his pants and taking a wiz.

Paint You in Black

Inspired by the great song



Paint You In Black

I saw you standing in the corner
and I wanted to paint you black,
I have the heart of the King of Hearts
always holding the knife in my hand,
you know what life has to offer
there is no reason to fear,
come with me into the land of shadows
and watch the world drown in black.
I remember when he left me bleeding
on the floor, then you picked me up,
and all I can see is red,
everything I touch it turns to black,
will you come with me through the unlocked door?
I don’t know what is on the other side,
but maybe it is a chance.


It’s A Brick House

I spent some time in Washington DC earlier this month, and one of the things which I most enjoyed about it was the buildings. I love old brick, and stone buildings, and they had a lot of really cool looking ones there. I also loved how unique and different each of the buildings where from each other, not like the cookie cutter style which has become more common today.

These are a few of my favorite photos of the buildings.



Come This Way by SilverWynd


Why Serial Killers Make Ideal Neighbors

After much consideration I have come to the conclusion that a serial killer  would make my ideal neighbor. That might at first seem a rather unconventional (to say the least) choice but if you think about it that are a lot of positive attributes serial killers have as neighbors.

Generally speaking they don’t kill too close to home because if your neighbors start disappearing left and right that is going to raise suspensions.  At home serial killers try to live very normal non-assuming lives so I figure I wouldn’t be in much danger.

The last thing I want is to have any sort of social relationship with my neighbors. I don’t want to deal with an obnoxiously friendly neighbor who thinks we are going to hang out together.

For me the ideal niegbior relationship is to be predominately oblivious to their existence. Maybe in a particularly good mood I might exchange a cursory nod  with them if I see them in the yard, but mostly I will be happy to have us ignore each other.

A serial killer doesn’t want to esatblish personal social relationships. They don’t want to be known, they want to be as unmemorable and non-discript as possible. Thus they will leave me alone and not intrude upon my privacy and business and they will be grateful for my standoffishness.

Because they don’t want to draw attention they will be quiet, keep to themselves, as I like to say I don’t care if my neighbors have bodies in the basement as long as I don’t hear the screams. They wouldn’t cause a ruckus or have big parties and loud annoying music. Most the time it would be as if they are not even there.

Wild Things Have No Gratitude

I was the one with the bruised knee
and scars down her arms,
standing in the corner with lips sewn shut,
no one ever sees the one who watches,
following in the shadows of false suns.

They fell like birds with broken wings,
the damaged and the lost ones,
but once they have been mended
with pieces of myself to patch
their wounds they fly away without looking
back because there is no gratitude
in wild things.

I was the vessel like the Delphic Oracle,
thrashed and contorted at Apollo’s whim,
only to be left empty and bruised when
he withdraws to bask in the glory of
his own light giving no thought to the ones
he leaves in the dark.

As a Woman Should I Be Excited About This

Apperently the decision has been to put a woman on the 10 dollar bill and there was all this celebration of the choice, clips of happy, excited women looking at the 10 dollar bill in reverence and people saying that it was about time, and pating themselves on the back acting like this was some great progressive step forward. 

On the other side there is some controversy about the fact that a woman is only getting the 10 dollar bill instead of the 20 which apparently has been judeged to be superior to the 10. 

As a woman I have to say that I don’t care what the gender of the dead person is on the money I spend. The choice to put a woman on the 10 doesn’t make me fill uplifted or inspired it doesn’t feel like some great victory in woman rights, nor doesthe absence of women on the money I spend or refusing to place a woman on a bill with a higher domination make me feel opperesed as a woman or make me feel slighted. 

There are somethings that really bother me about this. For one thing it kind of reminds me of when Obama was elected president and now Republicans are like ok racsim has been solved, we no longer have to acknowledge or talk about it and we are let off the hook for bring racists. It is like ok slap a woman on the 10 dollar bill to appease the masses and now we can shut up about the sexism thing. 

Everyone is all so enthusiastic about this essentially meaningless gesture that doesn’t really resolve or change anything when there are still actual real problems. 

And it actually costs a lot of money to change the money, and wouldn’t that money be better spent on resolving an issue that has real impact on the lives of real living women than on a shallow ‘victory’ so we can feel good about having an old dead chick on our money instead of an old dead dude?

The other thing that bothers me about this whole thing is the fact if you have nothing better to complain about than the gender of the dead person on your money than you don’t really have anything to complain about.

Speaking as a Western woman I get quite annoyed about Westernized feminists complain about these insignificant meaningless “issues”  the kind of things of which privileged white women have the luxury to consider an issue when there are women in other parts of the world that have the same basic rights that women had in the Middle Ages which is virtually none.                   

Women Breastfeeding in Public 

Apperntly the new thing which is becomming popular these days is women taking selfies of themselves breast feeding which has sparked a debate as to wheather or not they should or shluldn’t do it. Quite frankly I am just terrified that the next revolution of this is going to be selfies if women while giving birth. Because that is how the internet works. Once one person does something kind of shocking and controversial eventually someone has to try and up the ante.

But this issue has brought up the question of women brest feeding in public which has been debated and discussed in different circles before and I figured I would give my thought on the issue.

Speaking as a woman personally it makes me uncomtrable if another woman starts breast feeding her maybe in my near vicinity. I don’t like it and I think itshould  be done in private.  For the record I will state that my objection to this isn’t because I am offended by the idea of an exposed or partially exposed breast. I have no qualms with the breast. I am a big fan of the breast. If I am at a beach and a woman decides to take her top off, that doesn’t bother me. I think American culture is too puritanical about its views twords nudity and sex. 

The thing that bothers me about public breast feeding is the fact that 1. I don’t like babies. (I am actually anti babies being allowed in public)  2. I don’t like bodily fluids ( who does really?) 3. It is very awkward and creepy if you are trying to check out a breast and there is a baby attached to it  (yes that is a joke).
So I admit that when a woman starts breast feeding her baby in my near proximity my first knee jerk and immature response is ewwwwe (also admittedly that is my typical response to just seeing a baby in general).

And for the record for those who like to make the argument that it is perfectly natural, there are sevreal completely natural things you are not legally allowed to do in public. Being naked is as natual as it gets but in most places legally you cannot go walking around down the street or to the local store naked. Sex is also perfectly narural but on a Sunday afternoon you can’t just start having sex in the park ( or technically on any other day of the week). And yes I have to mention it you cannot urinate or deficate in public whenever you feel the need.  

So the natural argument is really meaningless and invalid. 

Life Recalled

You restored me to life
and taught me what love really is,
now I am still relearning how to
trust myself and not flinch from
your touch.

I grew accustomed to having the noose
around my neck, for every wrong word
another knot drawn tighter until
it became hard to speak.

Navigating the mine field
on unstable terrain, bracing myself
for the next eruption to blow up
within my face.

Until finally I staggered away
determined not to reveal
the thoughts that lived deepest
inside of me.

But you found me among the wreckage
and debris, with a quiet persistence
and fortitude you made me break
my silences.

Forced me to see myself again,
your words slipped beneath my skin
penetrating into my soul as a
soothing balm.