If Death Would Bring Me To You

I felt the fingers of death
around my throat,
cold and rigid,
while I stare into
the voidless eyes
I wonder if I am

If I took my last breath,
would I find you
waiting upon the

If I could summon
your forth
like a specter,
without hesitation
I would spill the blood
on the edge of the
and wait for you to come.

If the hands of the dead
ripped me away
from the world
would you come like
Orpheus with
your lyre to enchant
the gods and sing
me home again?

Monsters Inside Us

There are monsters in the dark
you can hear their heavy
breathing if you sit alone
with the lights turned off.

They are hungry
and they are ruthless,
they are whispers,
thoughts, and deeds,
parasites that burrow
deep beneath your skin
unseen, gnawing upon
your bone marrow,
hooked into nerve-endings.

Vacantly you draw
the knife blade across your skin,
numb to the pain
you watch with strange wonder
the blood so red against
your pale skin,
and inside they laugh,
thirsting for more.

You begin to contemplate
the taste of glass,
light the ends of your hair
on fire, you don’t even feel
the shatter of bones
beneath the weight
of the hammer.

And the monsters grow,
bit by bit consuming
your organs, as you lose
more of yourself
becoming nothing
but a walking shadow.

Broken and Bleeding

It is seared into my mind,
the memory
of the blood trailing
down my arms,
upon the bathroom floor
amid the broken glass
reflecting figments
of myself,
all of them segments
of another lie.

I did this for you
and my own
shattered needs,
it is the part of me
that I carry with
a secret shame,
of wanting to be saved,
demanding action
to prove love.

I just want you
to hold me
to carry me away,
I know it is unfair
that I regress
to these scenes
of destruction
when I feel voiceless
and desperate.

But there is a plague
upon my heart
and so much has
been taken
that my love
only knows how
to be ruthless
it is born
from my
upon you.

Lunar Eclipse

I watched your dying light,
like the Phoenix
burning out,
consumed by its own
fiery passion.

As the shadows pass
it seems at last
Hati has swallowed you
and you slumber in the
belly of the beast.

Like a waking eye,
the darkness slowly
starts to lift,
seemingly winking at first
with arcane knowledge
and secrets untold,
you have moved
through death
and are now reborn.

Glorifying in
your new plumage
which illuminates
the sky, and I feel
lost within your hypnotic
pull, I would bathe
naked in
your celestial

Vampyre Culicivora

I was inspired to create this from the so called Vampire Spider (Evarcha culicivora) a species of jumping spider native to Kenya. They are so named because they feed primarily on mosquitoes for the blood. For anyone who might be freaked out by a blood drinking spider, they do not in fact drink blood from people, they do not have the capability of piercing human skin and into your veins.


Vampyre Culicivora by SilverWynd

Druid’s Quest

I was lost
within the dark wood,
a wilted Dryad
before a dying willow
sap bleeding
through my veins,
even the wind
feels empty,
the leaves shake
a death rattle
falling, not splendidly
but achingly tragic.

You were a wanderer
upon the hermit’s quest,
with song on a lyre
of yew calling to
the ancients of
the Earth,
you feel their
hymns whispered
beneath your feet,
the Druid’s gift
to speak with
silence to the
unseen world.

A strange
distant light
arcs through
the gnarled branches,
I am struck breathless
by a haunting melody
that calls down
the rain,
each drop a
promised kiss.

You found me
amid the decay
your earth worn hands,
warm and steady
lift me up,
the fragility sheds,
layers of snake skin
you breathe
life back into the land
and the choking vine
unravels from my heart.

Moonlight Rivers

I stood amid
liquid moonlight
as the Ferry Man,
a phantom in the dark
silent waters
follow me.

A song like
the piping
of Pan’s pipes
found its way
into the shadows
of my heart.

Moved by the
the ethereal melody,
a primal force
to awaken the body
once long forgot,
a haunting cry
into the soul.

My river
run to thee
and I can naught
but follow
within their wake,

I sail upon my
River Styx,
but it is not to death
I ride, for once
it is life which
has called me forth.

These still
dark depths
flow into the ocean
of your eyes
decloaking me
with a breath.