The Tower

This is my representation of the Tarot card The Tower. The Tower card is a card which often is associated with great power. It also often indicates a need for change, and the destroying of old ideas of which are no longer true, or were found to be false. It is a card to give strength balanced between dark and light.

The Angel & The Serpent

I know I let
the serpent
in the garden,
I cannot plead
to be so innocent,
I saw his thirst
and hunger,
sending a shiver
sidewiding down
my spine,
it awakened
my third-eye
which became
strangely blinded
by illusions
of mysticism
watching a shadow
in which I thought
I saw myself.

But my garden
was guarded
by an avenging angel,
I could never deny
it was him who I loved
with his sword of fire
heart ablaze,
eyes which held
the celestial heavens
but I feared his goodness
would burn through me,
I had no wish
to be sanctified,
the shadow
was my shield,
the mirror in which
upon moonlit nights
I could gaze into
the abysmal depths
of myself.

I learned the serpent
sought to squeeze
too much out of me,
seeking to fulfill
his own tempestuous
desires commanding
more than I had
the right to give,
and the angel’s fire
could not touch me,
but was a warm embrace,
a light within a starless night,
and I the confessor
of his heart for secrets
not uttered before
the gods themselves.

‘Merica Isn’t A Planet

One of the issues that was brought up during the Republican debate was the question of Global Warming, and it does seem that at least some of the Republicans have come to the realization that continuing to deny that it is real just makes you look like a complete idiot, their new approach is to grudgingly admit that Climate Change is real and it is caused, or increased by human activity and than to put their hands over their ears and sing LALALALALALALALALA.

Yes they are forced to accept the fact of it, but still don’t really want to have to acknowledge it or do anything about it.

Their new stance towards climate change seems to follow similar lines as this conversation:

12 year old girl: Mom, I can to go to the Miley Cyrus concert

Responsible Parent:  No, I am not letting you go to that

12 year old girl: But MOM! That isn’t FAIR! Susan is getting to go. Why can’t I?

Responsible Parent: If Susan jumped off a bridge would you follow?

Basically the Republicans are taking the view that “Well China pollutes more  than us so why should America have to have regulations? That isn’t FAIR!  China doesn’t have any regulations so America should get to pollute as much as it wants.”

One of the candidates, I cannot recall which one, because there are too many to keep track of literally said “America isn’t a planet”  (Well yes that is true) and then went on to make his point that since America is not in fact a planet, and other countries pollute more than America does anyway, that America should not have to have any regulations which make it more difficult for business in America to operate, and why should America have to make reforms and changes to help fix the problem if the other parts of the world aren’t doing it.

Now the problem with that asinine bit of “logic” is that while yes it is true that America is in fact not a planet and yes other countries might pollute more than America does, last time I checked America was in fact still a part of the Planet Earth, and it does not exist isolated in some sort of protective bubble.  The Republicans do not seem to realize that if they take this Nihilistic approach  of we are not going to try to make things better if no one else is, that if the planet goes to hell because of Global Warming, it won’t matter how great the American Economy is if we are all underwater.

It is kind of like if you see a piece of litter on the ground and you think to yourself well my not littering isn’t going to stop other people from doing it, and so since it is easier I am just going to say to hell with it and litter too because who is my throwing my trash away in the trashcan going to make a difference if everyone else doesn’t do it?

Also it is rather ironic that one of the things that Republicans keep wanting to talk about is how America needs to be a leader again, and how important leadership is to America and the American government. You would think that implementing policies and reforms to try lessen the affects of Global Warming would be a good way for America to show its leadership in Environmental Reform. A leader does not show his leadership by stamping his foot and pouting because everyone else isn’t playing by the same rules, and then just decides well screw the rules I am not going to follow them either.  That is kind of the opposite of a leader.

You Cannot Have Your Cake and Eat it Too or Something Like That

The Republican debate was just on last night, which was good for comic relief and one of the issues which was brought up was that incident with the county clerk who refused to give out marriage licenses to gay couples because Huckabee tried to get himself arrested in her place (Awesome idea to have a president who has zero understanding of how the law works) and in the whole course of discussion about allowing consciousnesses objection the whole thing about Christian bakers or florists refusing service to gay couples because it would be a violation of their religious freedom to make them them serve homosexuals against their moral objections came up.

I would like to offer this compromise to Christians because I am feeling usually generous. I will completely support the right of Christian bakers, florists (and candlestick makers)  to discriminate against homosexual couples, and refuse them service based upon their religious beliefs if in return Christians accept that it goes both ways, and thus accept without complaint the right of Non-Religious business to discriminate against Christian couples if serving them goes against their own philosophical and moral beliefs.

So I am an the Artiest backer (obliviously that is my nick-name around town, I wear a big red A on my shirt like Hester in the Scarlet Letter) and I happen to run Godless Cakes (you know that is a kick-ass name, and if you want it for your own business I will give it to you for 10$)  and so for some reason a Christian couple walks into my bakery (maybe they cannot read, maybe it is the only bakery in town, or they just know that I sell the best freaking cakes ever) and they ask me to make a wedding cake for them.

I say to them “I will not make you a wedding cake because you are Christians and I have a strong moral objection to contributing to the continual spread of Christianity. And making you a cake would be in violation of my own religious freedom. Because apparently according to the standard you have set religious freedom means discriminating against people we personally disagree with ”

And they are 100% cool with that, applaud me on my courage and bravery and the respect the way I stand behind my morals. Then they walk out (and probably still leave me a tip before going because I am so Awesome and Christians are supposed to be charitable right) and they find another bakery even though it is obviously not as good as mine and maybe 20 miles away.

But they don’t try to take any legal action against me, or try and protest and have my business shut down, because to do so would make them complete and total hypocrites ( and we know Christians are “never” hypocritical) and because according to them I was just acting within my constitutional rights.

Or to put it in a way of which they might understand better. Don’t dish it out if you cannot take it.

Winter Rites

The winter wind
chills my skin
it is a memory
of your eyes
piercing to the bone
like a hawk in flight.

I would cross
the barren snow
to find my way
to you if you
would wait for me,
ever drifting
away within the mist.

A phantom of love
haunting me,
but on the darkest
night your hands,
your lips,
the words like air
woven into my hair,
are my warmth
keeping me alive.

In the howling
of the blizzard
faintly I hear
the dirge of Pan’s death,
with our love alone
we could breathe
into the Old Goat
new life.

We shall make him
an altar of stone
and yew, I shall
carry his statue
of clay within it
the secrets of
passion lie,
enough to keep you
an ever present
ghost upon my

The Jester & The Priest

Sitting at the bar
I saw the joker and the priest,
sometimes it is hard to tell
one from the other,
but the joker
he is no fool,
a wise man in disguise,
and the priest
is always just a tool,
sometimes a hammer,
sometimes a screw,
take care that he doesn’t
get his nails into you,
like the closing of a coffin lid,
shutting out all hope.

I’d rather laugh
with the sinners,
dancing on the graves
of the pious,
it is blasphemous
I know,
but I am done
crawling on my knees
until they bleed
just to fill the coffers
of the ones who want
to own my soul
so they can keep
their wallets full
with the poor mans

I paid my dues enough
so I ask the jester
to play me a tune,
maybe he is a devil
in masquerade ,
but at least he knows
how to live,
and I won’t feel like
I am spending my time
just digging myself
six feet underground.

Thirst For You

I see the shadows
in your eyes like
fleeting ghosts,
it is enough to break
my heart, I touch
your face with trembling

Your lips sultry,
yet firm, begging
without a word
while affecting indifference
which is irresistible,
leaving me hungering
for a lingering

You are roughened
to the touch,
as sandpaper smoothing
my hardened edges,
and breathtakingly
tender so you must
kiss away my tears
of pure euphoria.

I feel your heart
beneath my fingertips,
at moments hard as stone
with unwavering determination.
refusing to be moved,
fluid like water,
shifting with my tides,
submerging but

Marked by both
defiance and give,
patiently unrelenting,
it leaves me insatiable
for you.