Galactic Love

I crave
the full weight
of your velocity

steal my breath
in gasping

as atoms
our bodies yearn
to collide

you make
my love

there are
mushroom clouds
within your eyes

and I watch
our skies
light up
the night

I feel
a meltdown
come over

to cool me
back down

I will be
your super nova
propel you
out of this

our love
its own

let me
fall away
into your
black hole.

Your Eclipse

The moon smiles
a shadow on your heart,
I know the dragons
that chase you,
with a Phoenix heart
I face their fires,
walk across a bridge
of burning coals
to preserve you,
demons in your garden
devour fruits
from the Tree of Knowledge,
dripping pomegranate seeds
as drops from the sacrificial blood rite,
an avenging angel
a torch in the night
I bare the flaming sword
banishing the shades which linger
on the edge of your mind,
follow me like a sirens song,
I will lead you astray
away from false orbits
which seek to engulf you
in their gravitational pull.

What I Remember

His eyes a winter sky a storm at sea
His laughter rolling like distant thunder
His voice cocksure sardonic with a touch of mischief
His hair a field of wheat
With his viking beard the marauder of my heart
The ink upon his skin only half glimpsed
The music he deftly plays
With fingers skilled at granting pleasure
His body balanced between fragility and strength
His fragmented mind with breathtaking dexterity
His self my reason for being

Parts of a Whole

Your hands
quivering leaves in the wind
tumbling down my body
in feathery
anti-gravitational descents.

Your lips
unbury hidden treasures
liquid fire
on the edge of your tongue
volcanic eruptions.

Your arms
carry the weight of mountains
holding all
of my fissures and fault lines
in place
before I fall apart completely.

Your body
cartography of scars
each one
mesmerized as braille to my touch
stories I cover within tears.

Your thighs
smell of wildwood and deep earth
an offering
of primordial warmth
rooting me
securely against you.

Your heart
a wild bird yearning for flight
with a lion’s roar
contently captive in my hands.

The Oak and Ash

There was a light
within your eyes
like the rain which
fell upon the graves
we dug with mud-caked

Here we bury
our hearts away,
beneath a moonless

I trace the map
upon your skin,
etched deeper
than ink.

The scent
of your smoke
will linger in my hair
for years and years.

But I breathe you in
with the dust,
you taste of earth
and ocean salt.

When the time comes
before the early morning
light, when Dawn is newly born,
still opening her eyes
we will find our way.

Where our hearts
still beat within the ground,
the Oak and the Ash
have grown together
in a strange still dance.

There may be death
beneath our feet,
but our fingers are feathers
taking flight,
and we build our nests
between arms outreached
interlocking limbs.

My Laudanum

My longing
is a closed fist
an assault upon the body
watching the fragility
of sanity fall
to dust on the floor.

I taste gunmetal black
the trigger a heart beat away
your eyes in the smoke
I fill my lungs
with memories.

in withdrawals
the promise of Lethe
hovers so close
your words are the only
soothing balm.

Your lips are
my laudanum
when all pain fades
and there are dreams
of worlds far
and away.