My Holiday Good Cheer

I was getting my last minute  shopping done for the holiday, and to put me in the proper holiday spirit, I am feeling quite warm and fuzzy about the fact that I got to cause a great deal of annoyance to one of those Salvation Army bell ringers (yes I know I am a horrible person, but it makes me happy to unleash my inner super villain).

She was just starting to set up in front of the store as I was going into it and she was saying something about “Bless you” as I walked into the store, yeah I know it is supposed to be nice, but the one thing I cannot stomach about the holiday is all the Christian crap. Yeah I know they think it is their holiday but it was ours first and than they hostility took it over. So I just rolled my eyes and walked into the store.

Then coming out she was ringing her bell and shouting very loudly about Jesus so which naturally I replied “Hail Satan!” (South Park “Critter Christmas anyone?) and she shouted something back at me, of which I did not catch what she said, and than as I was in the car leaving the parking lot I saw her talking to some other lady who just came out of the store about me, which warmed the cockles of my cold dark heart and made me laugh.

Sound of Rain

It was bittersweet
the sound of the rain,
whispering a memory
of a night when I sat
alone cloaked in shame,
unable to look myself
in the eyes

like waking up
to find a stranger
sleeping within
your bed

the things
we do
in anger,
to hide the pain
or give it meaning,
to hide ourselves,
and forget
what we are.

when you left
with the best
parts of me,

I wandered
the dark streets,
narrow alleys
searching for a release
to embrace
only the ugliness

But I could still
hear your voice
and see your face,
on nights
I was forced to sit
alone with myself,
and take reckoning
of what I have done.

And the rain came,
washing all the dirt
and grime away.

it is my solace,
but still it carries
with it,

a reminder.

Winter Rituals

I carve your heart
from bone and bury it
beneath the snow.

Your lips like frostbite
kiss my frozen tears of ice,
because without you
I am only an angel in the snow.

An impression of the fallen and the lost
which soon the winter winds
will blow over leaving
nothing behind to remember.

You give me permanence,
a reason not to drift away.

I watch the fog of your breath
dance in the snow-blind light,
like the last vestiges of
your life fleeting away,
I want to inhale these
fumes of your soul.

I will call you back
with blood, the final lullaby
of a wolf beneath the waning moon,
this will not be our culling,
I will always find a way to
hold you.

I Am Your Albatross

I am your albatross
always I will watch over you
though it may be many a long long year
and many a sea between us,
I will follow you.

On still nights
if you listen for the sound
of your heart
you will hear my wings
beating steadily.

I will be your guide
through the darkest depths
of the sea, I will be with you
in the midst of the maelstrom
and when the winds become quiet
once more you can hear
me calling your name.

As a shadow which comes
and goes but never truly leaves
I will always be with you,
and when you cannot see my face
close your eyes and you will
feel me like a phantom
in an ocean mist.

You are never alone
as long as I breathe
because love is the albatross
that travels across unrelenting miles.

Small Acts

It is the minuscule
things you do
which take my
breath away.

The moments
that pass between
which no one else
can see, which seem
to mean nothing
in the greater scheme
of things that
I cherish in my heart.

Grand gestures
are too easily done,
bespeaking more of
the love for public
adoration and soon
like a wedding dress
buried in the back
of the closet
never to be worn again,
it needed only one
day to shine.

But small acts
scattered like so many
letters throughout a lifetime,
perhaps to pass unnoticed,
spontaneous deeds which
cost nothing, leave
nothing tangible behind
they are the true measure
of a man and etch
the most lasting impressions
under the skin.

Memories imprinted
on bone which can
never erode with
the passage of

Love is a Winter Storm

Your fingers
are drops of rain
sliding across my skin,
quivering along the edge
of my curves,
a memory lingers
of invisible streaks
left behind.

Your breath
is a winter wind
between my thighs
demanding to be
let in, leaving
me shuddering.

Your lips
alight my flesh,
a flickering flame
from the hearth,
comforting intensity
spreading warmth
through my body.

Your eyes
are a blizzard
longing to consume me,
leave me smothered
beneath your weight,
an avalanche within me
quaking to break free.

The Thirteen Days of Christmas

A bit of Christmas fun for fellow Horror and Halloween lovers who like me cannot stand the garishness, and nauseating jolliness of most things associated with this holiday.

A parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

On the first day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
a raven in an oak tree

On the second day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
two screeching owls

On the third day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
three hungry vultures

On the fourth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
four cawing crows

On the fifth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
five haunted rings

On the sixth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
six wolves a howling

On the seventh day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
seven bats a flying

On the eighth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
eight vampires a biting

On the ninth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
nine devils dancing

On the tenth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
ten ghouls a leaping

On the eleventh day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
eleven zombies gnawing

On the twelfth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
twelve banshees screaming

On the thirteenth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me
thirteen hearts still beating.

Shot in the Dark

You called my name
like a shot in the dark
I cling to you
like a whisper.

Your caress is
a breath of wind,
I bend towards you
like a willow,
dancing like aspen
upon the end of
your fingertips.

Your body is a pillar
where I genuflect
in worship, I will
eat of your flesh
and pour myself
in libation.

My need is a cavern
of unknown depths
your name echoes
through my chambers.

My love is a universe
you are my galaxy
your voice sets off a
series of super novas
inside of me.