Your Silence is My Tomb

Your silence
is my tomb,
where I sleep
among the memories
scattered as broken

My breath is still,
the weight
of your absence
heavy upon my lungs.

I wish to simply
slip away into
I would swallow
the earth,
smother myself
in you.

My limbs still ache
with waiting
denied the nourishment
your closeness

You are my only light,
left now
I am struggling
within the darkness.

God Supports a Woman’s Right to Choose

I know the phrase pro-choice has come to be synonymous with the idea of being pro-abortion, but there is a significant difference in what those two expressions actually mean which is quite relevant to the conversation. I am not saying that God supports abortions, but it is indeed in the Bible that he is Pro-Choice.

In the whole Pro-Choice/Pro-Life debate there is one very significant and important aspect of the Bible which is never brought up into the conversation, at least not as far I have seen. The Pro-Choicers I think try too hard to argue against religion using scientific reason. But you are not going to get anywhere there. You need to be able to arguer with them on their own level.

There is a very valid religious reason why individual who are against abortion should still be Pro-Choice (again that does not mean actually supporting abortion). But banning abortions and making them illegal would actually go against what God states within the Bible.

There is this one big important thing in the Bible that the Pro-Lifers seem to have forgotten about (or just conveniently ignore and overlook because it contradicts their view point) and that is the fact that when God created man he granted man the ability of Free Will. It was God’s intention and desire that man have the ability to freely choose for himself or herself whether or not  s/he does right or wrong, good or bad, follows God, or does not follow God. It is sort of the whole reason why he created man, because he wanted a being which would have the ability to worship him of his/her own free will and unlike the angels not be made wholly subservient with no choice but obedience.

There is this little story in the Bible about Adam and Eve,  The Garden of Eden, a tree, and an apple (or pomegranate) and a snake. The whole story was about man being granted the choice to either obey God, or give into temptation.

A woman making the choice to have an abortion or not is part of her God given right of Free Will.

Is she should make the choice to have an abortion and God disagrees with that choice than he will decide on the consequences of said action in his own way in his own time.

But individuals who claim to be God-fearing and claim to believe in the Bible, and believe that it is the word of God and want to make abortions illegal, are attempting to rob another human being of their God Given Right to Free Will.  They want to take away the ability to choose which God himself has granted.

So essentially Pro-Life Christians who want to illlegalize abortion and deny a woman’s right to choose for themselves, are stating that they know better than the God whom they allegedly believe in.

They are against suicide and abortion because they believe that Life is a right which God grants man, and that only God has a right to take life away.  But Free Will is equally a right given to man by God, so what right do they have to take that away from someone else? Should it not only be up to God to deny someone their Free Will?



Half Moon Bay Birthday Trip

This is a bit belated but I have been busy and haven’t got around to uploading my photos to my computer in a while. On my birthday (I will not tell you the exact date) but it is in February I took a trip up to the coast. I favor the Northern Coast line over the Southern Coat line because I love the rocky cliff bluffs, and the often overcast weather, gray skies, high wings, occasional wind. Yes these for me are my ideal beach days. Though it was actually unusually sunny on this trip, it was still enjoyable. And I got a few good photos.





Finding Myself

My lips remain sealed
when I should speak,
my words become lost,
thoughts caught
within the cages
of my mind.

My body begs you
to forgive my silences,
it is my instinct
to hide myself,
you must draw me
out into the light.

At moments
I feel inadequate
but you always come
like a half-starved cat,
and it makes me understand
things about myself
I have always doubted.

You are my learning curve,
where I must find the way
to conquer my fears,
if you can quiet the wars
within my mind.

My Life in You

I want to press myself
into your hollow spaces,
this is my sanctuary,
the only place I belong.

I breathe you in
to quiet my soul,
mutually we beg
each other to stay.

Your fingers talk to me
in whispers,
knowing the secret
places on my body.

You know the things
which remain unsaid,
soothing with the soft
tone of your voice.

I would live
upon the edge
of your lips
the taste of you
still lingering.

Our bodies crave
to reach out
for each other,
there is only life
with you.


I write you name
in my skin
there is no gift
more intimate
than blood.

I want to
my sacred
I think of

I worship
at the altar
of love,
fires burn
through the night
there is always
a sacrifice.

We tell stories
in the dark,
you taste
I would
your seeds
of pomegranate.

Our bodies
are a ritual
as we follow
the Earth

I will be
your temple
if you will be
my god
and my

Lover’s Duality

I can be your Penelope,
waiting painterly,
as long as I know
you are out there
thinking of me,
and I can feel
your heart beat
inside of me,
I will scorn
all others
before you,
until the day
you come home
to me.

But never forget,
the Calypso
inside of me,
filled with yearning
to possess
your body,
I would keep you
to myself,
make you forget
all others,
hold you as mine
rule you with
carnal passion,
walk you through
my garden of paradise,

You Make Me Beautiful

Beneath your hands
I am exposed,
your fingers
will find
all my flaws,
I know there is
no hiding
from your touch,

I wait
with trembling

You speak
in a voice
almost like a purr

the voice
only for lovers

a pleading

Your body
tells me
all I need to know
without words.

it’s admiration
upon me,
doubts begin
to be erased.

You give my skin
with your lips.

Pulling me closer
you release me,
I become something
I never believed
I could be.

Sitting astride
you feels like
having wings,
you free me
to be myself
without fear.

We Waited

We waited

a leaf
caught upon the wind

born again

we were timeless

love a breath
which never

between sheets

a secret
without words

it was etched
within stone

can be so

the heart
is only blood
the cradle of life

but without
the bodies

it too is

is infinite

yours needed
to call out
to mine,

a chorus
sung together
which never

it takes
to cultivate

which lives

Poetry is a Broken Window

My words
are window fragments,
shards of glass,
sometimes cutting
to the bone,
untold lies,
shattered guilt,
slivers of pain,
glaring accusations
caught within
the afternoon light,
threatening to

But they sing
when the rain falls,
melancholy songs,
ballads of love,
whispers of regret
barely uttered
above a single breath.

When caught
in the right moment,
they cast colors
akin to the aurora skies,
dancing uninhibited
possessing strange
delicate innocence
how unintended
flaws create
sublime beauty.