A Walk Among the Dead

The week before Easter I made a visit to a local cemetery of which I have heard about but never occasioned to visit before. It is known for having several well known personages buried upon its grounds including the infamous Black Dahlia whose grave site is not revealed to the public for fear of attracting vandals. It was quite an extensive and elaborate cemetery with some rather beautiful and unique mausoleums.

Here are among my favorite photos from the trip:






The Love of Persephone

Walk with me through
my garden of earthly delights,
find my dragon waiting
inside like the serpent
coiled around your tree.

Taste my pomegranate
seeds, and there is no
turning back, because
your are mine
you are mine.

Let us be damned
together, if damned
we must be in the name
of our dark love,
but I’ll not let you go,
your heart belongs to me.

My body is your altar
of sacrifice, I will sign
my soul in your flesh,
because I called you down,
into my underworld
like a sirens song.

I belonged to you
the moment I felt
you walk the Earth
above me.

Now the sky might
come crashing down
once I have you in my embrace,
but you will hold me here
until the world ends,
because it is us
against everything.

Let it all shatter
as long as we are together,
it doesn’t really matter.

I Quake For You

The thought of you
sends earthquakes
through my body.

Your fingers
trace my fault lines
without hesitation
causing tectonic shifts
inside of me.

You know how
to raise tsunamis
leaving me

The way your lips
cling to mine
for dear life,
your hands digging
into my skin
holding fast
against the storm.

Your words
are a summer wind,
rising warmth
beneath my skin.

You awaken me
leaving me
because the need
for you never fades.

Only at moments
we hold each other
quietly in the eye
before the thunder
within me roars
once more.