Duct Tape Does Fix Everything

We all know phrase if it not broke don’t fix it but what they dont’t tell you is that apperently if it is not technnically broken but somewhat dysfuntiional or at least does not funtion as well as you would like it to if you break and than put it back together with duct tape it will improve performance. 

We have this vaccum that I cannot complain too much about sense it was given to us for free but it tends to be prone to clogging rather easily. We don’t line our floors with shards of broken glass or slivers of metal or anything excessive but trying to vaccum up rather normal everyday stuff that ends up on the floor at a certain point the vacum decides no, I am done with this and starts spitting stuff back up onto the floor, than refuses to vacuum anything else. It did start to become pointless to attempt to vacum anything.

The vacum acquired a rather large clog in the middle of the hose which the usual means of trying to dislodge were not working. In an effort to remove it we ended up puncturing a hole in the side of the hose. We still couldn’t get the clog out and being that we already had a hole in at this point anyway we ended up cutting the hose in half at the point of the clog. Finally we got it cleared out and taped it back together with duct tape and now it works better than it did before.

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