Artificial Intelligence VS Genuine Stupidity

I know a lot of people like to say things like {fill in the blank} is what is wrong with the world I am not going to nail down the entirety of the breakdown of society to one sole single cause, but I am pretty sure this is a major contributing factor.

If money can be declared to be the root of all evil I am pretty sure we can say that Facebook is the root of all stupidity and ignorance.  I myself have staunchly refused to be drawn into the world of Facebook but my other half partakes and being that he is bling he has a program on his phone which reads to him.

He was going through this Facebook and I could hear his phone reading all the Facebook notification and new posts when one caught my attention and not in a good way.

Apparently some individual has a son who mows the lawn of some people they appear to know, when said people gave her a photo of her son (I did not see said photo) and she posted that she did not know how she should feel, respond, or react to the photo. So essentially she was asking people on Facebook what her emotions should be about a photo taken of her son by people she knows.

And this is not the first time I have come across similar posts by people who ask people on Facebook that their emotions/opinions should be about something personal that happened to them in their own life.

So this is where we are now?

We need the internet to tell us what our own thoughts and feelings about our own life should be?

And if people are at the point now where they need to poll the Internet to decipher what their own emotions should be why are we still so afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

What is the difference between having a personality programmed into you and having to ask Facebook what your personality should be?


I straddle between
two worlds
one a shadow of the other,
yet betwixt the two
is ever darker
more perilous land
to traverse.

Inhabiting a space
bordering the fertile valley
draped in her fine greenery,
beaming with life anew,
glowing in growth,
sprouting seeds

And the barren lands,
still; quiet; more subdued
with subtle, quaking, waking
beauty daring to be

Purity of the untouched
cannot be claimed
for the private Eden,
the oasis in the deert
has been exploited,
explored, discovered.

But it will not transition
into something budding,
waiting to sow and grow,
denying to give back
what has been taken.

I hold the balance
between two worolds
that can never intersect
through one may cross into
the other there is a point
of no going back.

I refuse to fall
into the place predestined
by man
walking the impossible thread
to lose a maidenhead
but reject the gain of motherhood.

We Are Just Going to do a Bunch of Stuff to Look Like We Are Doing Something

I just read an article about the new updates Google is going to be rolling out some updates for gmail. Sounds like it should be a good thing but the problem I have is most of their updates strike me as completely useless or just terrible ideas and the one update that is actually needed does not appear to feature in their plans.

The first new update that completely baffled me was called Snooze which they described as being a way of making certain emails hide from your inbox for a period of time and than come back later. If you are on your mobile device and you get an email that requires a long response in which you cannot reply to at that time you can put it on snooze and it will go poof and come back later.

Now what completely flummoxed me about this is that I am thinking but……but…..but        there is already a feature that lets you reserve emails to respond to later. It is called “Keep as New”

The next update on the list I will admit sounds cool but also very dubious in how it will be used. They will introduce a feature that will make it so that the person you send an email to will need a special code to read said email also they want to create a self-destruct mode.

Now I can potentially see some legitimate uses for this particularly the coded messages but it seems this update is aimed more at those who have leanings to conducting  illegal or morally questionable activities.

They say it is to help improve security but it seems more to help you keep your spouse, parent, boss etc…  from finding out what you are doing.

Next they want to create an artificial intelligence that will determine which of your emails are most urgent and you can set it up where you will not get notifications from any other emails.

So you are going to let a robot determine for you which of your emails are important enough for you to get notified about.

Then they want to create a nudge feature that will remind you to respond to emails you have not responded to yet. Ok this just sounds like it would get really annoying and well you would not need to be nudged if you wouldn’t keep putting your emails on snooze now would you? Because if you kept them as new you would see them and that would remind you to respond.

Now the one update they actually should be doing but are not is providing a way to mass delete emails from the gmail app.

Dark Heart

Down beneath the surface
a dark heart beats,
unseen; unknown
it waits to be remembered,
cries out for reckoning,
longing to be touched
before it shrivels
into the bitterness
of oblivion,
only a whisper
like bird song
or a promise in the wind
will breathe new life,
to have her name
spoken again.

When Different Worlds Collide

There is within my house a fissure of sorts which in the quest to try and resolve I have come upon a rather strange unexpected gem To start from the beginning is that my other half likes Country music and often times when he decides he wants to listen to it I am driven out of the room. So I decided to try and seek a compromise to this issue.

While I do not like what I call “Country” Country, I do like some of the sub-genres of Country. I am partial to Bluegrass I also enjoy Zydeco. I was doing some research online to expand my Country horizons even further and came across a genre dubbed Country Blues.

Now I like Blues so I thought this was worth checking out. I popped open my Pandora and found a Country Blues station and started playing. The first song which came up was pretty awesome and had a great sound, but than something else happened.

Two genres of music of which many would think of as being complete opposite was fused together.  Hip Hop and Country.

Now I have already stated I do not care for Country and I do not listen to a great deal of Hip Hop yet somehow when these two genres come together a strange magic happens and strangely it works  and is kind of wicked awesome.

Indigo Heart

Let my body
Let my body
Let my body go

Let my mind
Let my mind
Let my mind
Slip into the snow

And I dream
A frozen dream
With nowhere left
To go

Slipping in
Slipping out
I want to drift
Into your flow

From afar
A distant spark
I can see it glow

Close my eyes
See behind
Feel my heart
Pumping indigo
Yet its not too late

There is still an escape
From this fragmenting

Let my body
Let my body
Let my body