Airplane Voyeurism

For the record I a not someone who is strongly in favor of a great deal of surveillance, particularly when it comes to the use of cameras. I have no interest in having various different smart devices in my home that monitor everything I do. I am not even much one for wanting surveillance cameras on my own property for security. The idea cameras being plastered everywhere to track our movements in public spaces says 1984 to me. I have a healthy does of respect and belief in privacy.

With all that being said I am really quite baffled by the new buzz that is going around. Apparently there are some airlines which have cameras which were in fact installed for entertainment reasons not surveillance and are proclaimed by the airlines to be turned off.  People are paranoid about these cameras and whether or not they really are off. There was even an article written telling people to bring a band-aid on the plane with them so they can cover the cameras to protect their privacy.

I do not know about you, but I have been on a plane a time or two, and they are tight, limited spaces, where most the time you are confined to a seat and packed in with other people like sardines. It is not an environment in of itself conducive to a great deal of privacy.  As well there is minimal chance you were able to slip any illegal contraband onto said plane. So it is unlikely the camera is going to catch you discretely doing a line of coke or lighting up a joint.  Now some people might be inclined to want to engage in illicit sexual behavior while on said plane, but there is nothing the camera is going to see that the guy sitting next to you, or the family in the next aisle does not a full view of.

So I want to know what the hell are people doing on planes (that they do not mind if potentially everyone else on the plane can see them) but are worried that a camera might see? There is nothing upon your bodily person that camera is going to pick up that wasn’t already revealed in the scan you went through in security to get on the damn plane to start with.