
I will start out by saying I have a strong disdain for Facebook as it is. I have disliked from the very beginning and contend that it is one of the many contributing factors to what is wrong with society. Needless to say I do not use it.

With all that being said, Facebook is making some changes which really make my skin crawl and perhaps it is just because I am a jaded cynical misanthrope but I truly see it as being predominately used for nefarious purposes and I do not see any good coming out of it, but a swampy, seedy, gray area.

Now I understand that there is that percentage of people whom use Facebook simply as a way to garner as much attention and popularity as they can and just want to get as many likes, and comments and as big as friends list as possible and may have thousand plus friends of whom they do not in act actually know and exist as “friends” only on Facebook.

But outside of that generally if you are friends with someone on Facebook it is because you do have some form of acquaintanceship with them (someone you knew in high school, someone you met at some function and wanted to keep in touch with, an actual friend you knew before Facebook etc…)

So where is this going you may be wondering…….

Facebook is rolling out a new dating feature, which lets you let your Facebook friends know if you are interested in them. You select people to secretly crush. Now this might sound innocent but the problem I see with this is. first of all, if you  presumably know the person of whom you are friends with on Facebook, why do you need Facebook to let them know you are interested in them. (assuming you are older than the age of 12) how about calling them, emailing, texting and so forth and saying, hey do you want to go to the movies, or out for a drink or whatever(you know like mature adults would do before the internet).

I really see this going to a road of simply aiding and abetting cheating and illicit affairs. Particularly when paired with the fact that as a way to enhance privacy as they put it they are also going to be creating encrypted messages so that your messenger conversations will be hidden from anyone but you.

I just don’t see the good of this. A way to secretly indicate a crush on someone (because for someone reason you cannot just openly express your interest in the person whom is allegedly your friend) and than be able to engage in private (unseeable to anyone but you conversations) with them.

Now I understand people will do what people will do, and there are dating sites out there tailored specially to cheating  and cheating existed long before Facebook.  So yeah I can see you saying Facebook is not responsible for other peoples actions, and it is not their fault if other people abuse it and misuses it (but again I do not see any true good legitimate use in the whole design. I will not believe Facebook has not already considered the cheating angle, and is maybe banking on it) but with that said, we all have a responsibility to try and improve our world and maybe Facebook should make the choice not to add something into this world that might just contribute to making it a little more shittier than it already is.

OK so maybe they honestly do mean it for innocent purposes, (giving them the benefit of the doubt) they cannot be so naive not to know the other ways it can be used, so maybe say, hey, we cannot stop it from happening, but maybe just maybe we will not help contribute to it happening.