Christian Reservations

So I was sitting here when I had a sudden epiphany (honestly I do not know what an unsudden epiphany is) as to the perfect solution to the Christian problem because we can all agree that the Christians have become a major problem for the rest of us.  Ok to be accurate they have not in fact become a problem they have been a problem since way back before the middle ages when they decided to start gallivanting around the world and destroying every other belief system and stating that either you become one of us or you die.

But to bring it around back to current modern times they have continued to grow in political power and influence and are trampling all over the rights of everyone who isn’t a Christian and want to once again establish a ruling system in which everyone is subjected to their ideology.

It came to me that really the most just and fair way to deal with the problem is to handle them the way the Christian settlers handled the Native Americans. We need to establish Christian reservations where we place all the Christians and within their reservations they can make whatever policies and laws and restrictions they so desire but outside the reservation they have absolutely no input. That way the rest of us can go about our lives and business without Christian interference.

Don’t Get Offended Just Be a Parent

I came across this article that was titled 14 People Who Should Be Banned from Restaurants an I was bored enough just killing time that I decided to look. Most of them were pretty obvious and yeah we can all agree they should not be allowed in the public. But a few I just shrugged at and was didn’t really see it as being that big of a deal and didn’t know why others were getting that worked up about it.

Than one in particular really annoyed me because it was one of those situations were I felt people parents just need to get off their lazy asses and be parents instead of expecting everyone else to do it for them, or just accept the fact that hey we don’t all have kids (or your parenting method) and it is not our responsibility to protect your and or your children’s delicate sensibilities.

So the deal was a guy was in what was termed a “family restaurant” (which you know in this day and age can be pretty much any casual dining or fast food joint) wearing a T-shirt with the word Fuck on it. In poor taste? Maybe, but that big of a deal and worth outrage? No, not really as far as I am concerned.

First of all if your kid even A. Notices it and B. Is old enough to read and C. Perceptive enough to understand it, or curious enough to ask about it (provided they do not already use the word all the time with tier friends on the playground) than be a parent and explain to them what it is and why you do not think it is appropriate to use or say. In stead of getting up in arms, accept the fact that your children our going to become exposed to things you may not like and use it as a learning experience to teach them how to responsibly deal with it.

Personally I do not think that trying to shelter children from everything that might possibly be offensive or inappropriate to some people really is the best way to equip children to be able to function in the world.

If you cannot handle a guy wearing a shirt with a bad word than you are really going to have a lot bigger problems.