I Am Not Responsible For Your Health

Ok I have been trying to hold back on my rants about the virus and everything that is happening. For one I get it, everyone is talking about it and it does get annoying hearing about everywhere you go plus I am trying not to be redundant and rehash things I have already gone over but I saw something today that just pissed me off and I need to rant about it.

There was a headline today that said “I have a compromised immune system so please stay home to keep me safe.”

I am sorry but what? Really!!! This is the sort of thinking that is wrong with society and the world. Nobody wanting to take responsibility for themselves and expecting other people to do it for them. Here is a novel idea since you are the one with the compromised immune system why don’t you stay home and keep yourself safe? YOUR health is no one else’s responsibility. YOU are responsible for YOUR health.

I am tired of this whole mentality of you cannot do this because I have this. You cannot have peanuts on a plane because I am allegoric to them. You have to have a fence around your pool because I have a kid. You cannot go outside because my immune system is compromised.

I am sorry but NO! I am not responsible for you or your child’s safety or your health. If you are allergic to peanuts than don’t eat them. If you have a kid than watch them properly. If you are vulnerable to the virus stay in your house. But quit expecting everyone else to be inconvenienced and restricted by your own shit. Be responsible for yourself don’t expect someone else to do it for you.

When Don’t We Cry Dissent

While I did post a satirical piece about how entertaining the virus paranoia is, there is actually a lot going on that is quite scary and concerning (and no I am not talking about the virus itself. The virus while a catalyst for other events is in itself the least scary thing happening) and all the more so for the fact that no one else seems to be concerned with the true dangers because they are all so focused on the fear of the virus.

This also ties into another rant that has been bobbing in my head for some while that I have been wanting to talk about so I figured now is the best time to merge both subjects into one quite relevant post. That issue is the fact that we living in a society that has a sever lack of focus on Personal Responsibility and Accountability.  There is this trend in our society that if some one dies as a result of their own irresponsible and stupid actions instead of just accepting the fact that what happened to them was entirely their own fault and they deserved it and that no one who is acting with common sense would be in any danger, instead society says we need to create no laws to impose on everyone to make sure no one dies of their stupidity again.

To tie this in to what is happening now with the virus. I have never believed in the government acting as our patent and protecting us from ourselves.  This is what we have going on here now. The government is telling us where we can and cannot go, what we can and cannot do, where we can eat, how many of us can get together (violating the constitutional right of peaceable assembly) all in the name of protecting us from ourselves. This is not what should be happening. To go back to the personal responsibility we should be accountable for our own health. If you happen to be in the group of people who are highly vulnerable to the virus than it is up to you to say hey maybe I shouldn’t attend that birthday party, or maybe I shouldn’t go to that crowded restaurant, or that concert. But I should also have the right to decided for myself that you know what I think it is worth the risk to attend xyorz event, or I feel like going out to dinner tonight even though I know I might be exposing myself. The government should not be stepping in and telling me I cannot do it, I should be allowed to make that choice for myself.

The human race has survived far more deadly outbreaks than this one, this is not going to wipe us out, we do not have to shut down the world because of it. If you are paranoid about the virus, if you know you are a high risk rate for not surviving the virus, than stay home, but if I feel fit and healthy or am not worried about it, let me continue to live me life as I desire.

The government is infringing upon our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And there is a greeter problem I see that no one is thinking about right now because they are so worked up about the virus. So people now are convinced that their movements, ability to earn a living, ability to go where they want and do what they want are being restricted for their own good and that it is a public health concern. But I foresee something else. The government is using this virus scare as a way to test its power, and see what it can get away with.

How long will people be willing to be complacent in this? How long will they let fear justify the infringement on their rights and freedom? After the threat of the virus is over do you think the government will be eager to give up its power and control? Especially if it gets away with it?

Already the president is saying this might last until August, how much further is it going to get pushed back to just so they can keep the control systems in place? How long before people wake up and take to the streets and show their discontent or is the populace just going to adapt to living this way and accept it?

Because I am ready to start a riot!

Thank You For the Apocalypse

As someone who enjoys the occasional zombie TV show and loves the post-apocalyptic genre as a whole and who has oft had fantasies of living in a post-apocalypse I am finding the world very entertaining right now. With all this virus craziness it is as if the world is an amusement park bringing me the full post-apocalyptic immersive experience. A couple of days ago I have to go to three different grocery stores to complete my grocery shopping because of how wiped out the shelves were and while perhaps mildly annoying it was amusing to see exactly what it was that people have decided they need to survive, and my partner and I have come to the conclusion that while they may survive the virus they will die of scurvy. The items of which people have decided are most crucial to have, for the most part do not have any nutritional value and many are not shelf stable. Yes people have decided what they need most are a shit ton of potato chips, lots of cereal, dairy (mostly ice cream and yogurt), flour, bread, and every scrap of meat they can find.

Yes I know people out there are saying ooo you shouldn’t be making fun of the virus, and you shouldn’t mock it or make fun of it, and how dare you say it is entertaining. But if you are going to go in a panic like a chicken with its head cut off and sit there and take all my other sources of entertainment away from me, than I am damn well going to enjoy this and as the horror fanatic I will play at living in an actual horror movie since you will not let me do anything else.

But……….aren’t you afraid of getting the virus?

Nope, and not because I am living in some state of denial in which I don’t believe that I cannot get the virus. I know every time I have the audacity to actually go outside, (because I refuse to stop living my life as normal because of this thing) and go somewhere (provided I can find anything that is open) I am exposing myself to getting the virus. But even if I do get it, yeah it will probably suck but also I will probably live.

But…..people have dies from it……

Every time you step out of your house and go to work, take your kids to school, or go to the movies you put yourself at risk of dying in a car accident. Car accidents happen all the time, every day and while theoretically more people might catch the virus than get into a car accident I would say that the odds of surviving the virus are greater than the odds of surviving a car accident. Every single day you step outside your house ( and even sometimes when you step in your house) something might possibly kill you, but life still goes on, you still keeping doing stuff, cars are still on the road. I do not see the virus any different.

The UK is the only one who is actually being sensible in all this. They have come out and said, people keep going to work, keep going to school, continue to live your lives, wash your hands, and if you are not feeling well stay home for a couple of weeks.

While the rest of the world is like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind the great many pandemics that have come since the beginning of human history many of which have been much more and much more deadly than this one, and still the human race as continued to survive.

So sit back, pop some popcorn and enjoy the show while it lasts.

By the way I just need to clarify that I have been social distancing since long before it was cool to do so.