Cooking Challenge: Crescent Roll Party

It has been awhile but these days I certainly have enough time to bake and experiment with new recipes. For this episode I have made two crescent roll based recipes. One savory and one sweet. I will start with the savory.

Easy Samosas: To start with I have to say how much I love samosas so I was quite eager to give this one a try. For those who may not know a samosa is a fried or baked pastry filled with yummy goodness. There are variations but traditionally they tend to have potato, peas and onions and sometimes lentils. The recipe I was using was a basic peas, potato and onion plus seasoning. Of course you can add and modify it to your tastes.  I turned mine into a breakfast version by throwing in some scrambled eggs. If you are using potato is should be precooked or you can use canned potato. Basically you throw your ingredients together mix with seasonings and add spoonfuls to your crescent rolls wrap them up and make sure they are sealed and than bake. They came out quite tasty though the wrapping proved more challenging than I would have thought.

Apples Dumplings: The desert dish was quite simple to make though it sounds out it turned out very tasty. Slice two apples into wedges. Peeling is optional a matter of personal preference. I never bother to peel mine when baking. Wrap the crescent around the apple and place in baking dish. When all are done make up a butter and sugar mixture and crumble over the top and than for the odd part pour 3/4 cup of Mountain Dew over it. For those like myself who may not be a great fan of Mountain Dew, trust it really does work. The Mountain Dew does not create a strong overwhelming taste, but there is just a hint of it that really plays well with the sugar and flavor of the apple.

P.S. I forgot to mention that both recipes call for two tins of the crescent rolls.