Woe To Me

Alas it has finally happened to me. I did not think I ever would be “that” person, of course I thought I would rise above the expectation, and the stereotype, but than we all think that when we are “young” but inevitably eventually I suppose none of us can avoid it finally catching up with us.

I consider myself to be quite open to a wide variety of different types and styles of music. I will give anything a chance, and love to expose myself to new sounds. Sure I have my preferences we all do but I have never been someone who insisted on only one gener,artist, style, sound etc.. . I like to sample a little bit of everything.

But recently I noticed, that between the new hits which pop up on my car radio, and the new popular songs that pop up on this song trivia like game I have on my phone I have come to notice that since about around the 2010’s music really has started to take a steady decline.

So yes, it is now Official that I am old since I have finally hit the point of saying, that stuff the “kids” are listening to is just a bunch of noise, and isn’t anything like music was back in my day, when music meant something.

Sure there are a few cool good things that still pop up here and there, but I really find that a lot of the music from the later 2000’s is just kind of blah, and a lot of just kind of sounds the same to me. I do not notice a lot of distinction of unique sound from band to band. Instead of trying to stand out it feels more like everyone is just riffing off everyone else.

Alas I find myself now nostalgically listening to music from the early 2000-1990’s lamenting the days when music was good, and meant something in the world.