Tomato Gratin Chicken

Last night for dinner I made a dish called Tomato Gratin Chicken. First I will say that it really is a relatively easy dish to make. All you need to start with is some chicken (boneless skinless is the best choice for this but as far as cut/type honestly I just get what is cheapest at the time. ) Some canned tomatoes, wine of some sort (the recipe used white, I did not have any one hand so I just used cooking sherry), onion and garlic and thyme and some parmesan cheese.

You start by browning the chicken in a skillet than remove chicken and sauté the onions and garlic, add the wine to deglaze, let wine reduce, than add tomatoes, ( your choice is you want to drain them or not, all depends on how thick or saucy you want it to be) simmer for a bit then put the chicken back in, coat the chicken with the tomato mixture, top with cheese and finish in oven.

I choose to serve this with a cauliflower gnocchi. I love my pasta, but I am working on cultivating a healthier diet, so I am trying to reduce the amount of carbs I consume and I have found I do actually like the cauliflower alternative to a lot of starch products.

As far as the chicken and tomato sauce goes, the taste was really quite fantastic. (The gnocchi was good to but it was not an actual part of the recipe) and it really is a versatile dish as far as what you decide to serve it with. It would be great with pasta, rice, or just some veggies on the side.