Her Body is Her Tower

This is a modern interpretation of the Lady of Shalott. The title is a play on the fact that the Lady Shalott was literally imprisoned  in a tower, and without the right to get an abortion today a woman’s body may become her tower/prison

Her Body is Her Tower

Her life begins to ebb away
bound by in chains by the states
hour by hour; day by day

Trapped inside; forced to stay
to carry this burden became her fate
her life begins to ebb away

The only hope offered is to pray
sorry and bitterness solidify into hate
hour by hour; day by day

All her emotions shades of gray
held down by this heavy weight
her life beings to ebb away

All her nerves start to unfray
is she could end this she would not hesitate
hour by hour; day by day

For their glory and power she must pay
for her dreams it is too late
her life beings to ebb away
hour by hour; day by day

The Tyrannical Nine

It is fair that you wear
the color of mourning
for we mourn the loss
of your integrity, dignity, and honor,
and glibly you wear the blood
of the lives you so
cavalierly destroy.

It is right you wear
the color of mourning
for you have disgraced
your duty, and slaughtered
our rights so smugly.

It is just that you wear
the color of mourning
for within your courts
all justice as died,
and you deprived
the people of there
free will.

But though the color
of mourning suits you,
you should be stripped
of your robes, denied
the black of your office.

You should be marched
through the cities
clad only in your birthright
and whipped as you pass
those you have arrogantly

Unindepence Day!

Needless to say I have decided that I will no longer be celebrating the 4th of July aka Independence Day. In our house we started referring to it as National BBQ Day. I had actually come to this idea before it became an actual poplar movement. I think it is kind of cool that as soon as I thought of doing this, everyone started talking about doing the same thing online. But me reasons are slightly different than that of most people.

The majority of people who are talking about boycotting Independence Day are doing so on the grounds that they no longer have Freedom or Independence. Which is totally valid, and I do not disagree but my thought process was that I do not see Americas winning independence from England as something to be celebrated, but rather as something to lament and regret. Looking at the world I really am quite convinced we would have been better off if America stayed under British rule.

America has proven that it is in fact quite incapable of ruling itself without proper adult supervision. Just think, if it was not for Americans sitting there saying, “oh we can do this way better all on our own” We could be like Canada and Australia.

While I am not saying these countries are perfect and do not have their problems, I am pretty confidant they are better than what we got right now.

Chicken Cordon Bleu Stromboli

A while back I did a Cordon bleu pizza, well tonight I did the stromboli version. Now before I get too far into things I am going to take the time to address a question which I have often seen popped up and have been asked.

What is the difference between a calzone and a stromboli.

A Calzon is pretty straight forward. Essentially it is a pizza folded in half. You would make a calzone however you would make a pizza. Thus for me the key ingredients of a calzone is pizza dough, some kind of sauce, and cheese. These days a pizza can be a million different things, but those are the the crucial ingredients that I think make a pizza a pizza.

A stromboli on the other hand is a sandwich which is rolled (like a cinnamon roll) and baked. Thus you would make a stromboli the way you would a sandwich. Some people do use pizza dough for their stromboli but you can use the bread dough of your choice. As well the sauce is optional. Some stromboli’s use a sauce or condiment, others are just basically meat, cheese, and or veggies.

As a refresher, the essence of a Cordon bleu is a combination of chicken, ham and cheese.

For my stromboli I chose to use my pizza dough recipe and then staked sliced chicken deli meat, deli ham, and sliced swiss ( swiss the the traditional cheese for cordon bleu but you can swap that for the cheese of your choice). Then I just rolled it up, and through it in the oven.

Needless to say it turned out great, and it is a relatively quick and easy meal to through together.


My body is a cage
within a cage
crafted by you

While seeking
to make the world
in your own image

You hold the keys
to life and death
liberty and suppression

Believing what us false
to be fact, writing
your own rules

You bask in our blood
salvaging the spoiled fruits
of the womb

Hearing whispers
were there is silence
singing praise amid

And when you are
the only one left
amid ash and bone

You will believe
you are saved!