Unindepence Day!

Needless to say I have decided that I will no longer be celebrating the 4th of July aka Independence Day. In our house we started referring to it as National BBQ Day. I had actually come to this idea before it became an actual poplar movement. I think it is kind of cool that as soon as I thought of doing this, everyone started talking about doing the same thing online. But me reasons are slightly different than that of most people.

The majority of people who are talking about boycotting Independence Day are doing so on the grounds that they no longer have Freedom or Independence. Which is totally valid, and I do not disagree but my thought process was that I do not see Americas winning independence from England as something to be celebrated, but rather as something to lament and regret. Looking at the world I really am quite convinced we would have been better off if America stayed under British rule.

America has proven that it is in fact quite incapable of ruling itself without proper adult supervision. Just think, if it was not for Americans sitting there saying, “oh we can do this way better all on our own” We could be like Canada and Australia.

While I am not saying these countries are perfect and do not have their problems, I am pretty confidant they are better than what we got right now.

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