It is Time to Make Guns “Woke”

Most of you I am sure have heard of the whole Budlight controversy, but just in case I will sum it up for you. So Budlight partnered with a transgender influencer, and all the rednecks who like to drink Budlight got their thongs tied in a knot and are freaking out about it, and calling for a boycott on Budlight. Apparently Kid Rock did a think where he shot up a bunch of cans of Budlight, and other rednecks are not copying him and buying cases of Budlight just to shoot it. I happened upon one particular post by someone who makes a regular process of this, if a product becomes too “woke” he buys and then destroy it. Now the whole irony of the face that if buy something (even with intent of destroying it) the company you are allegedly against is still profiting is a topic for a different day.

What I have come here today to say, is that I have come up with a brilliant idea. There needs to be a campaign started to make guns woke. I have speculated there potential outcomes from this happening each of which has its own set of unique benefits.

Outcome #1: In the name of staying true to their hatred of all things woke, they will have no choice but to give up their guns and start boycotting the buying of future guns (and potentially buy a bunch of guns just for the sake of destroying them).

Now if this were to happen it would go a long way in helping us to finally be able to rationally and effectively deal with the gun violence problem.

Outcome #2: They will love their guns so much they will be unable to give them up, and thus they will have no choice but to top their campaign against all things “woke.” And thus to keep their guns they will have to just sit down and shut up and let the rest of us live our lives how we want to.

Outcome #3: The paradox between their have for all things “woke” and their love for their guns will be too much for them to handle, and it will cause a brain aneurism in which they will self-destruct.

Needless to say if this were to happen, they would no longer serve as a blockage to getting anything progressive and useful done. And we can all just live our lives how we want to.

I thus challenge you now to begin in your best efforts to make guns woke.