Keeper of My Heart

For me this piece is about love, life, death, and sacrifice.

The stag is frequently associated with fertility.

The rib cage I see as a protective shield for the heart which is symbolized as an acorn. In reading the Poetic Eddas there was an explanatory note which declared that the word which was used for heart literally translates into “Mood-Acorn” I was rather struck with that phrase, and loved that as a description for the heart. Acorns also symbolize
growth, life, and rebirth.

The runic symbol Algiz is a powerful rune for protection, and according to some the shape of Algiz was inspired by the antlers of a stag so I saw it as a mirror reelection representing the concept of”  As Above So Below”


Steampunk Butterfly Wind Chimes

These are my Stempunk inspired wind chimes.

The base is a brass butterfly hinge and the chimes are made up of clock gears of which I got from dissembling an old clock (which proved to be a more challenging task than I would have thought) and antique keys as well as a couple of actual chimes.

If interested they are currently available for sale on my brand new etsy shop which can be found here:






Edge of Madness

After the tragic mass shooting in Oregon the topic of Mental health has been brought up a lot, and how poorly it is really addressed in the U.S. and the stigma which still persists against mental health issues. Because of some of the struggles I have had with depression, anxiety, emotional trauma I was inspired to create my own representation of mental illness.  I see this as a self-portrait of the inside of my mind. All of the images our symbolic on multiple different levels.

Edge of Madness by SilverWynd

*The images I used to create this piece are courtesy of Deviant Art stock artists. I do not claim ownership or rights over the original images used.  Credits to the stock artists can be found on me DA page: Edge of Madness

Vampyre Culicivora

I was inspired to create this from the so called Vampire Spider (Evarcha culicivora) a species of jumping spider native to Kenya. They are so named because they feed primarily on mosquitoes for the blood. For anyone who might be freaked out by a blood drinking spider, they do not in fact drink blood from people, they do not have the capability of piercing human skin and into your veins.


Vampyre Culicivora by SilverWynd

The Egret Tree 

This is part of a collection of semi-abstract landscapes/nature scenes  I have been painting lately. It is a very minimalist representation of different nature scenes which focuses predominately on color. 

During the spring break for Easter we took a trip up to Bodega Bay and on the way, there was this tree in this marshy field, and the tree was filled with a flock of egrets. It was more egrets then I have ever seen before gathered in one place. It was very cool looking so I wanted to paint, the idea of that scene.