A Walk Among the Dead

The week before Easter I made a visit to a local cemetery of which I have heard about but never occasioned to visit before. It is known for having several well known personages buried upon its grounds including the infamous Black Dahlia whose grave site is not revealed to the public for fear of attracting vandals. It was quite an extensive and elaborate cemetery with some rather beautiful and unique mausoleums.

Here are among my favorite photos from the trip:






Half Moon Bay Birthday Trip

This is a bit belated but I have been busy and haven’t got around to uploading my photos to my computer in a while. On my birthday (I will not tell you the exact date) but it is in February I took a trip up to the coast. I favor the Northern Coast line over the Southern Coat line because I love the rocky cliff bluffs, and the often overcast weather, gray skies, high wings, occasional wind. Yes these for me are my ideal beach days. Though it was actually unusually sunny on this trip, it was still enjoyable. And I got a few good photos.





In A Dark Wood

In the hotel I was staying at there was this weird little area I called the dark forest, because it felt like wanting into a dark forest. There was dim lighting, and dark forest like wallpaper and this white porcelain deer’s head on the wall. I took a few pictures of it and it reminded me of Will Graham from Hannibal, so I enhanced the dark surrealistic vision of the image.


It’s A Brick House

I spent some time in Washington DC earlier this month, and one of the things which I most enjoyed about it was the buildings. I love old brick, and stone buildings, and they had a lot of really cool looking ones there. I also loved how unique and different each of the buildings where from each other, not like the cookie cutter style which has become more common today.

These are a few of my favorite photos of the buildings.



Come This Way by SilverWynd