
My body is a cage
within a cage
crafted by you

While seeking
to make the world
in your own image

You hold the keys
to life and death
liberty and suppression

Believing what us false
to be fact, writing
your own rules

You bask in our blood
salvaging the spoiled fruits
of the womb

Hearing whispers
were there is silence
singing praise amid

And when you are
the only one left
amid ash and bone

You will believe
you are saved!

Despite All My Rage…

I am one of those artists who admittedly creates best from a place of angst, and thus lately for a long time I had kind of hit a dry spell with my writing because a lot of my youthful angst had dissipated as a I grew older and things in my life changed for the better. Well in a way I have to say thank you world for reginiting all my rage. I have been in this real funk lately inundated with everything going on with Roe Vs Wade, and the decision that you do not deserve rights if you have a uterus and are not Christian. While listening to my angsty music last night it finally dawned on me, that yes, I need to channel this to fuel it back into my writing again.

So here are a couple of pieces I jotted down at midnight last night.

Your God is a Gun

Gun metal gray
against the temple
of my altar
I ingested your
poisoned fruit
its seed fermenting
inside of me
lying down
thorny roots
bleeding from the inside
you feast upon my flesh
seeking unholy divinity.


Bleeding Ink

I finally feel my rage
itching at the back of my skull
knocking against my bones
stretched thin under my skin
swelling for release.

I found again the means
to eviscerate myself
allow it to bleed out of me.

Indigo Heart

Let my body
Let my body
Let my body go

Let my mind
Let my mind
Let my mind
Slip into the snow

And I dream
A frozen dream
With nowhere left
To go

Slipping in
Slipping out
I want to drift
Into your flow

From afar
A distant spark
I can see it glow

Close my eyes
See behind
Feel my heart
Pumping indigo
Yet its not too late

There is still an escape
From this fragmenting

Let my body
Let my body
Let my body

Unwanted Maternity

There was a battle of malice
between us in our separate
but intertwined worlds,
your world inside of me
in parasitic existence,
my world outside of you
with the freedom
you battle to acquire.

The violence to escape my habitation,
they all say you are the innocent
but you will be born bathed in my blood
with a battle cry and the constant
desire to suck me dry.

I resent your residency
inside of me though they say
that is heartless and cruel,
but I never asked to play
the role of your host.

So you rebel with the ability you have,
making me not myself,
trying to break me down,
demanding everything I have.

But I have my own devices,
I will not whelp you at my breast,
I will not look upon your face,
I will play the part of the Cuckoo
and deposit you in someone else’s nest.

Then we can be clear of each other,
we will have no further claims,
no debts between us,
no lingering bonds.

The Love of Persephone

Walk with me through
my garden of earthly delights,
find my dragon waiting
inside like the serpent
coiled around your tree.

Taste my pomegranate
seeds, and there is no
turning back, because
your are mine
you are mine.

Let us be damned
together, if damned
we must be in the name
of our dark love,
but I’ll not let you go,
your heart belongs to me.

My body is your altar
of sacrifice, I will sign
my soul in your flesh,
because I called you down,
into my underworld
like a sirens song.

I belonged to you
the moment I felt
you walk the Earth
above me.

Now the sky might
come crashing down
once I have you in my embrace,
but you will hold me here
until the world ends,
because it is us
against everything.

Let it all shatter
as long as we are together,
it doesn’t really matter.

Your Silence is My Tomb

Your silence
is my tomb,
where I sleep
among the memories
scattered as broken

My breath is still,
the weight
of your absence
heavy upon my lungs.

I wish to simply
slip away into
I would swallow
the earth,
smother myself
in you.

My limbs still ache
with waiting
denied the nourishment
your closeness

You are my only light,
left now
I am struggling
within the darkness.

Weight of Emptiness

It weighs upon me
like a stone,
the unsettled weight
of things untold,
memories stirred
from the grave,

Caught within
my throat
like choking
upon a bone,
I want an escape
balancing unhinged.

It drags me down,
wading into the ocean
with a pocket
full of rocks,
each one baring
another name.

Old chains
rust around
my ankles,
cutting off circulation,
leaving yellowed
stains and blackend

An infection
which never
quite goes away,
it stays within
the system,
and progressing.

At times
I feel there is
so little of myself
left and I struggle
through the empty
spaces left

Still I Live

Hateful eyes
are watching me
from a distance
waiting to see me bleed.

I can feel perverse
lips tasting me
from afar
while my knees
are shaking.

in my mind,
words like
angry fingers
bruise beneath
the skin.

You follow
where I cannot go,
and lead where
I will not follow,
I see you there
tying nooses
with my hair.

I will take your
pain and make
it mine, it won’t hold
me back, but
gives me
a voice to fight.

You are standing
in the shadows
of my soul
wanting to take
it all.

I feel your salt
in my wounds,
and I should
and I should
but I refuse
to be your grief.

Though I still
hear your call
in the distance
like a memory
in my bones
you would break,

I won’t be destroyed
my heart still beats
strong, and others
now live in the space
you would command
of me.

Keeper of My Heart

For me this piece is about love, life, death, and sacrifice.

The stag is frequently associated with fertility.

The rib cage I see as a protective shield for the heart which is symbolized as an acorn. In reading the Poetic Eddas there was an explanatory note which declared that the word which was used for heart literally translates into “Mood-Acorn” I was rather struck with that phrase, and loved that as a description for the heart. Acorns also symbolize
growth, life, and rebirth.

The runic symbol Algiz is a powerful rune for protection, and according to some the shape of Algiz was inspired by the antlers of a stag so I saw it as a mirror reelection representing the concept of”  As Above So Below”