Winter Rituals

I carve your heart
from bone and bury it
beneath the snow.

Your lips like frostbite
kiss my frozen tears of ice,
because without you
I am only an angel in the snow.

An impression of the fallen and the lost
which soon the winter winds
will blow over leaving
nothing behind to remember.

You give me permanence,
a reason not to drift away.

I watch the fog of your breath
dance in the snow-blind light,
like the last vestiges of
your life fleeting away,
I want to inhale these
fumes of your soul.

I will call you back
with blood, the final lullaby
of a wolf beneath the waning moon,
this will not be our culling,
I will always find a way to
hold you.

Salt on the Earth

It was a
sense of loss
like a girl
prone on the bottom
of an empty well.

There was blood
upon the snow

when the
rang out

for a moment
their faces
became lost,


the fox
a skin walker
a trickster
free the noose.

We are left
with the tokens
of the ones
we slaughter.

This is
our killing field,
the dead zone

we pile cairns
where nothing
will ever grow

once this
lands thirst
was quenched
with salt

and we watch
the ritual
of the ones
who dance
in the skins
of the conquered.

Halloween Love Story

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I am a zombie for you,
I will choke upon your bones,
don’t mind if I grind down my teeth
while I suck your marrow out.

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I am a demon in disguise,
want to devour your soul,
I will start off slow,
lick it up, lick it down,
while you become
a part of me,
swallowing your eternities.

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I am just a vampire, baby,
and I want your blood
within my veins,
I will make you mine forever,
or you will be nobodies

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I am only a monster,
want to place your
organs on my self,
your head on my wall,
and your heart in a jar.

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I am a mad scientist,
I will make you my
Frankenstein’s monster
and you will be bond to me
in life and death.

Don’t you know
Don’t you know
I will keep you in chains,
down in the basement
just to keep you mine,
there is no escape from this.

So just come to me
come to me
come to me

and I will make sure
it doesn’t hurt a bit.

Monsters Inside Us

There are monsters in the dark
you can hear their heavy
breathing if you sit alone
with the lights turned off.

They are hungry
and they are ruthless,
they are whispers,
thoughts, and deeds,
parasites that burrow
deep beneath your skin
unseen, gnawing upon
your bone marrow,
hooked into nerve-endings.

Vacantly you draw
the knife blade across your skin,
numb to the pain
you watch with strange wonder
the blood so red against
your pale skin,
and inside they laugh,
thirsting for more.

You begin to contemplate
the taste of glass,
light the ends of your hair
on fire, you don’t even feel
the shatter of bones
beneath the weight
of the hammer.

And the monsters grow,
bit by bit consuming
your organs, as you lose
more of yourself
becoming nothing
but a walking shadow.

Vampyre Culicivora

I was inspired to create this from the so called Vampire Spider (Evarcha culicivora) a species of jumping spider native to Kenya. They are so named because they feed primarily on mosquitoes for the blood. For anyone who might be freaked out by a blood drinking spider, they do not in fact drink blood from people, they do not have the capability of piercing human skin and into your veins.


Vampyre Culicivora by SilverWynd

Why People in Zombie Movies Don’t Know What Zombies Are?

I am a big fan of The Walking Dead, and last night the sort of prequel/companion show to the The Walking Dead, called Fear The Walking Dead premiered and prior to the show there was a special Talking Dead preview of the new season for The Walking Dead, and they were talking about Fear The Walking Dead on the show and it will be interesting because the viewer will have more information than the characters on the show. And as a joke they said it is not as if the characters are going to be like “Hey didn’t you see The Walking Dead.”

And that did make me start to think. though The Walking Dead has made zombies far more popular than they used to be, zombies  and zombie movies have been around for a very long time of course purpose one of the most well known is Night of the Living Dead. In many of these zombie apocalyptic movies it seems as if the viewer is just supposed to accept the idea that in this modern time period the people within the movie/show simply have no concept of zombies at all. Never seen a zombie before, or read any zombie comic books or stories. Like zombies never existed in pop culture within this world. And everyone is just confused and baffled and cannot comprehend what is happening.

Even if logically it should not be possible, and I don’t believe in actual zombies if I happen to witness a person attack another person and attempt to eat them, then get shot, stabbed, hit by a car, or whatever, and get back up again, the first thing that is going to pop into my head is zombie. Then I am going to take it out like Michonne (because of course I always carry a katana with me, that is only common sense).

Ok I get that maybe most people don’t actually think that way.

But in one of these zombie shows, there should be at least one horror nerd who is like “shit, that is a zombie”  even if no one else believes him and they all think he is crazy, there should be someone who is like “Hey I know what is going on here”

Instead there just seems to be this presumption that prior to this event happening, the whole concept of zombies has never existed before.

Acheron Dreams

Do you recall the day we stood
upon the crumbling stones,
the ashes still falling into Charon’s river
from the bridge we could only watch burn,
the sky screaming red behind us,
your infernal nimbus.

Between us stands the impassible point,
where the past and future meet,
you destroyed our present,
until there was nothing left to return to.

No longer will I scorch my hands
picking up the charred fragments
left behind, there is nothing left to
rebuild upon.

I grow wary of your black-eyed
stares and dark grins appearing
before me in my sleep.

I would offer up your soul
as burnt offerings to the dead
and watch the last of you sink down
into the Acheron, let you wallow
in the misery of your own making,
no longer will I be dragged down
into the mire with you.