A New Government

We all know that the government just isn’t working and has become a clusterfuck and frankly it has gone beyond the point where it can be fixed by simply voting in new people will make a change because no matter what side they are on they are all the same and the system is so broken that even if someone had good intentions they would not be able to function and get anything useful done.

Government has to be entirely resurrected for there to be any real change so I have come up with a new system of government to address many of the problems that we currently face.

I have come to the conclusion that we need an oligarchy type system. There needs to be a diverse council that rules us. There would be members that represent various different fields that would be necessary for running a country. For example there would be a social economics expert, an environmental scientist, someone experienced in world affairs (and so on), and it would be a requirement that there is always at least one atheist on the council to serve as the “religious control”  to be the watchdog against religious corruption creeping into the government and to prevent laws based upon any religious belief from being made.

The council members would be elected but some things in the election process would be different to prevent the same issues we have now from creeping back in.

To start with there would be no political parties. The government would not recognize any political party and none of the candidates would be permitted to declare, identify with, or affiliate with any party.

There would be particular specifications for running for council. The candidate would have to choose what particular position they want to run for and prove they are qualified to meet it. For example one would have to select the Social Economics seat to run for and prove they are educated in this field and have working experience with it.

Campaigning would be different. Candidates would not be allowed to use their own money not accept donations from any source. Each candidate would be given a campaign budget by the government. They would all receive the same amount of money and that is the only money they will be permitted to use on their campaign.  It will no longer be a question of who has the most money, who can raise the most money, who accepts the most money from this or that group, but simply who budgets and plans the best. When a candidate either chooses to drop out or looses they money they have left is rolled back into the government campaign budget.

In order to get things done and be able to make real progress as well as to try and cut back more on corruption so council members are not campaigning again almost as soon as they get elected they would serve a 10 year term but to keep an eye on how they are doing an insure that incompetence or corruption does not just run rampant the members of their particular fields would be able to evaluate their performance and put in a petition to have them removed if they appear to be preforming poorly.  For example individuals who work in environmental science will evaluate how the council member in the Environmental Science position is preforming and if he is fairly and honorably serving the requirements of that position. If the person who is supposed be serving environmental science decides to vote to allow drilling for oil in a nature preserve fellow environmental  scientists can vote to have them removed before their term is up.