Let Art Speak Don’t Strangle It

Just because someone creates something that acknowledges a tragic event and uses it for inspiration in some way does not mean they are in fact intending insult, mockery or by default making less of the event or trivializing it. People need to turn the sensitivity meter way down and not just react automatically whenever their sensitivity meter flashes a red-flag that something is “insensitive” or “offensive” and take a moment to actually think and consider before lashing out. This is one of the bad things about the internet you get that instant response so you just spout off you knee-jerk reaction (yes I am aware of the irony that I am doing the something).

So the issue at hand is there is a fashion house who makes dystopian inspired clothing and they created a new line of what they call “School Shooting Hoodies” which are hoodies that are riddled with bulled holes and of course people are outraged and offended and think it is horrible. Now here is the problem with that response. Fashion design is a form of art should create poignant commentary on our society and address what is happening in the world around us. As mentioned above it should not presumed they are being malicious, that they are mocking the event or the victims, that they are making light of it. But rather I see it as an acknowledgement of this epidemic that we our facing. It is a commentary on the truth of what is happening, It is raising awareness to the tragedy.

Now I  can hear some people already saying but they are using this as a way to profit. Cars all over the place are plastered in little stickers or magnets of ribbons of blue, black, yellow, pink and every other color representing a vast array of causes. Tragic things which have happened to people that have become “causes” and are marketed to be people to display to raise awareness. Someone created these things because they believed they could make money off of it.

I do not see the hoodies as different. They raise awareness, they force people to remember that this happened and they are in fact more visually impactful than just slapping a yellow or red or whatever ribbon on your car.

Art makes people talk. Art makes people think and people talking and thinking about serious issues is a good thing.

If someone was wearing one of these hoodies out and about town while many people might think they were just wearing an old hoodie full of holes, someone might actually make a comment to them about it, ask about it and they can explain what it means and why they are wearing it and this will generate more awareness and discussion on the issue.