The Sea Shore of the Lost

I walk upon the broken seashells you leave behind,
memories impressed upon the souls of my feet,
the conch shell pressed to my ear, I can hear
the sound of your heart beat.

I will drink the salt of your ocean,
watching you upon some distant shore,
but as you drift away your shadow
always stays and walks in my bloody

I etch messages upon driftwood
only to have the waves always toss them back,
I wait for your Morse code to come in flashes
of sunlight bouncing across the rocks.

I become lost in the morning mist,
allowing the cold too enshroud me,
biting across my flesh it reminds me
that I am still alive, and not a specter
within your dream.

The Lovers in the Sea

You are my Poseidon rising in me,
as Venus I wait for you in sea foam,
lost in the feel of your hands on my flesh,
savor the taste of sea salt on your skin,
entranced within your stormy ocean eyes,
inhaling the briny scent of your hair,
yearning with need to slip away with you.

I will catch you between my warm white thighs,
draw you down into the watery depths
wrap my arms around you and hold you close,
your lips give me breath as our bodies meet,
our movements create mini tidal waves,
eagerly you explore my own caverns
slowly you reveal my secret pearl.

Storm Heart

There is a storm within my heart,
it rages through my bloodstream
and I can feel the dark clouds rolling in,
you know the look in my eyes when
the squall is about to rise,
the air hangs with static,
only you can quiet it,
your touch ebbs away the growing force
building to break,
your love is a torrent that sweeps
through because you know
my passions can be dark and violent,
they consume me,
but you are the sanctuary
that allows my tempest to disperse,
you can bare the full brunt of it,
slowly it recedes once more
while your arms hold me close,
keep me from bursting apart.